The length of life and the length of self, who can control who

Kameron 2022-03-25 09:01:15

Giving and giving are more important. It seems that it is not too difficult to explain the topic clearly. In the face of material desires, fame and fortune, very few people really resist the temptation. Everything that seems envious at present, looking back in N years, is nothing. In the past, people who were poor only had money left, which meant that they had a low level of education, but now it seems to have a new meaning when they say the same thing. I remember that when I watched Chen Anzhi's CD-ROM before, the topic of success was involved. He believed that success does not simply refer to career, but family, love, friendship, health, and mood can all be included in this scope. I agree with this point of view. In the special "retirement" concert in the Netherlands, all the residents in the town saw the same farewell scene. The words of the former student and now the governor affirmed the value of the Netherlands. When Mr. Holland first became a teacher, the principal expressed His admonition: As a teacher, the two tasks are to impart knowledge to young people, but more importantly, to give them direction! Holland did it, the governor said: "Teacher Holland has had a profound impact on my life, and on the lives of many of us. It is said that he is often writing symphonies, the symphonies that made him famous, but he was not developed and also Not famous, except in this area, so he may think he is a failure, but he is wrong, because I think ... his success is more than the establishment. Look around you, there is no one who has not been influenced by you , all because of you, we have become better people. We are your symphony team, we are the notes and melody of your works, we are the movement of your life! What kind of honor, what kind of affirmation, Holland has created a great movement of non-notes perfectly. And we, when we are old, look back at the footprints we have traveled in the past, and can really say frankly, I have put the most precious, for Everyone has only one life and energy dedicated to a cause that I am very proud of, so that I can look back without regret for wasting my time or ashamed of mediocrity? Few people are so calm. Maybe for us In other words, although the length of life cannot be changed, the length that belongs to our grasp should at least be changed!

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Mr. Holland's Opus quotes

  • Principal Jacobs: Mr. Holland, it has come to my attention that you are teaching the students rock and roll.

    Glenn Holland: Is this a problem?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: Is this a problem? Yes, I think so. Our only job is to teach. We cannot teach and the students cannot learn if there is no discipline.

    Glenn Holland: Uh... I'm sorry, uh, what exactly is your point, Gene?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: My point is rock and roll, by its very nature, leads to a breakdown in discipline.

    Glenn Holland: Well, what would you like me to do? Deny that rock and roll exists?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: What I am... What we are saying is that you should be pushing the classics. Brahms, Mozart, Stravinsky.

    Glenn Holland: Stravinsky was the music of the Russian Revolution, if you want to talk about a breakdown in discipline.

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: You are deliberately exaggerating.

    Glenn Holland: How about the Kingston Trio, Gene? How about Sing Along with Mitch?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: Oh, please!

    Principal Jacobs: Just a minute, gentlemen. Mr. Holland, I do not want to interfere in the curriculum of any teacher. But next week, I have a meeting with the school board. And there are people in this community who believe that rock and roll is a message sent from the devil himself. Now when that issue comes up, what can I tell them?

    Glenn Holland: Mrs. Jacobs, you tell them that I am teaching music, and that I will use anything from Beethoven to Billie Holiday to rock and roll, if I think it'll help me teach a student to love music.

  • Bill Meister: [pulling Glenn out of the lunch line] Teachers don't wait.

    Glenn Holland: Pardon me?

    Bill Meister: High school is not a democracy. Teachers don't wait. Bill Meister, phys ed.

    Glenn Holland: Glenn Holland. Music teacher.

    Bill Meister: Hi.

    [Bill hands Glenn a plate of cafeteria food]

    Bill Meister: There you go.

    Glenn Holland: Oh, my God. What is this?

    Bill Meister: It's Monday. It's turkey Spam surprise. You could mortar walls with it. Word of advice: always bring a bag lunch.

    Glenn Holland: Where's yours?

    Bill Meister: I ate it in second period.