A suspense film that was ruined by the producers

Gladys 2022-03-25 09:01:14

The whole thing is a bit nondescript. When you first fall in love, it looks like a love movie, and the length is not short. After I finally got married, I felt like a suspense movie, and someone died. When the suspense reached its climax, I looked at the progress bar and it was over in a few minutes. As a result, in the last two minutes, all the suspense turned into a misunderstanding. The mouth reconciled in an instant, and it turned into a romance film like this. For the audience who likes suspense films, this ending is undoubtedly a bit disappointing and a waste of time. After all, the director is Hitchcock. After watching it, I checked it, and it is said that the producers are not allowed to destroy Cary Grant's image, and cannot let him appear as a bad guy. Alas, sure enough, art is art, money is money, or money is the biggest, without the support of the financial master, where will the money go to art~~

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Suspicion quotes

  • Johnnie: What have we to drink in the house?

    Ethel: Gin, brandy, champagne and Pimm's No.1, sir.

    Johnnie: Well, bring them all, Ethel, and get a move on.

  • Johnnie: Come on, darling, smile. I know I've been naughty, but it's all for you.