There is nothing we can do to change the character the family has made of itself

Jennings 2022-03-26 09:01:14

In the end, the child paid a heavy price for this endless cold violence. Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, and the harm caused by the compromise state is like a knife eroding a child's heart.
The film directly begins to enter the ultimate family atmosphere. After the heroine closes the toilet door, the scene of the child crying in the corner, the neglected turbidity makes us suppress our inner cry, the battle continues, too much static The cold picture seems to make the audience more into this kind of family experience state where there is no warmth. A wrong marriage is not necessarily the end of failure, and experiencing the hardships of life in mistakes may change the original intention of the absurd idea, because the impulsive decision will face more challenges.
These two people did not play the role of good parents, so many children from single-parent families may be more a relief and a compromise for not being able to choose happiness. At least he will have someone who loves himself.
The film is relatively comprehensive, especially the father's character, which is also a concern for members of our society. That is our image in the society. We try to cover up our disgraceful life experiences. The lines talk about a colleague with a fake wife. Come to a dinner party in the unit, although in the eyes of outsiders, the behavior of the problem person is always absurd, we always discuss and even teach some things behind the scenes, such as this matter should not be done that way, such as this situation should be done, We all play the role of prophets and gods, but the same situation will still happen to us, and without ourselves, we become a problem person of discussion.
There are too many meaningless long shots in the film. I understand that it is a buffer for this kind of depressive symptoms. We need to breathe and calm down to continue to understand their stories. In the process of looking for a child, we have seen the helplessness of outsiders towards such a family, and seeing that there is a reason for the incident, the mother's family environment, and the reason why the two are together, it is better to understand that this ending is not unexpected.
Sometimes politeness and strangeness are bound together. The understanding between relatives and strangers is actually similar, very similar, in the car, you want to smoke, I want to open the window, the music you listen to, my headache, revenge mentality until Get out.
Selfishly thinks that everything is a stumbling block in his own life, even if he was chasing happiness at first, when happiness comes, he is still who he was at that time. Repeating the same mistakes becomes a matter of course, but back to the film, it shows that a person's character is a lifelong life. We have no way to change our family, let alone change our family's own character, then we will discover more of our own problems in our lives, so that we can gradually alleviate it, maybe it can be another way. an attitude to life.

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