[180121 continuous update] The contradiction is that you approve of his thoughts, so you cannot completely deny his actions.

Dave 2022-09-15 06:00:53

PS: It will be updated all the time.


From the first episode to see how to advance and retreat in the workplace

I watched the first episode of "The Pursuit of The Bomber" tonight. The boss transferred the protagonist to another place and asked him to analyze the criminals and find relevant clues in the way of behavioral science. But after he got there, the boss there just wanted him to perfunctory, gave him some conclusions about his previous behavior, and asked him to write a 15-page profiling report within 2 weeks, so that he could hand it over to his superiors.

It is obvious that the boss wants to perfunctory. They have studied for more than 10 years and have not figured out what the hell is going on with this criminal. Now they just want to perfunctory and hope the protagonist can cooperate.

But he didn't.

He did not perfunctory as the other party requested. He first doubted the existing conclusions, and then decided to put aside the existing conclusions, start from scratch, re-observe the details, and re-write the behavior profile. He told his boss about this idea, Boss vetoed, said someone had done it before, then each profiler behaved differently, he got refusal, and he went out of the boss's office door.

Although he was rejected, he did not give up or give in. He went to the scene of a recent accident, found new clues, and then went to his boss with the clues. Then, he was rejected.

Then another incident happened that proved his conjecture correct, before he started investigating.


It may be easy for those who just want to follow the established procedures, but only those who really want to do things right can really save everyone, including the family of the person who just wants to follow the procedures.

I have this feeling because the protagonist, a doctoral student in comparative linguistics, and a little black brother, so far, there are only three of them who really want to push the case. What I mean by pushing is not to prove myself, but Really want to work things out, to find out who the hell was the bomber. The rest of the people may have tried hard, but when they found that it didn't work, they started to slack off, and then they broke the jar, just wanted to perfunctory, and then started looking for possible suspects, and then looking for evidence that the suspect was a criminal, Then a conviction, and then the case closed, all light.

The role of the boss here is to wait for an opportunity. If you make the right decision, I'll listen to you; if you don't make progress in a month, I'll give you up and move on to another team. The so-called progress is not "one step closer to who is the criminal", but to end the case quickly. There is an essential difference between the two.

The protagonist is lonely, but he has faith. It sounds like chicken soup and makes people sneer. But that's it. I don't want to be implicated to the point of no future because he is implicated, the boss doesn't want to be scolded by the boss because he slows down the progress, another colleague just wants to prove his guess is right, if there is any objection, he will shake his head and turn a blind eye.

He was frustrated, but there was someone willing to accompany him to really investigate the case itself, so they became friends, and that person was the PhD student in comparative linguistics. And what he wants to do is actually easy to generalize, but to find out the facts themselves, not the so-called "facts" obtained in order to perfunctory anyone.

He may have lost a lot and looked out of place in the world around him who succumbed to reality intelligently, but he got it. Really alive and true.

I especially like this drama, first of all because of the surprises brought by the details, which opened up a new angle for me, such as analyzing a person linguistically, some of the details in it are particularly good, the Ph. The author of this article may have been a Ph.D., as well as Ph.D.s in between, as the format of later doctoral dissertations changed to another pattern. And based on the uncommon words in it and some salutations, it is inferred where he might work (where the style of the article is stipulated in this way, there are regulations on uncommon writing), these details make the people watching it very cool, such as me.

I am very happy this December. I just finished reading "Mind Hunter", and then this, this article will continue to be updated, and my thoughts will be written here.


In the fifth episode, the truth lies in the game of all parties, which is really difficult.

Even in the group called the truth-seeking group, everyone has their own thoughts. Some people just want to investigate the truth, some people just want to communicate, and some people just want to prove that they are good. In this, it is very important whether the person in power has insight and discernment. On the one hand, he also wants to find out the truth, but on the other hand, he must be restricted by the superior, because the superior also has superiors, and sometimes a scapegoat may be needed, or a scapegoat may be needed. Cases are classified as unsolved cases and counted as crossovers.

To convince your boss, you need to provide enough evidence. Whether the boss can tell the difference depends on whether he knows enough about the case to judge whether the so-called "sufficient evidence" is true or false.

Every link is crucial, and that is everyone's different responsibilities. If everyone can do their job well, that's fine.

The truth is a game between all parties. Some people investigate the case carefully, some provide clues, some see whether the clues are effective, some help, and some believe.

The truth seems difficult, but it's not. The difficulty lies in whether you are willing to understand, investigate, and listen to yourself. The difficulty is not in how to do it, but in coordination. The difficulty lies in people, not in the thing itself, and doing the right thing with the right person.

There is another contradiction in this episode, work and family. The male protagonist devotes himself to his work and contributes to the benefit of the entire United States, if the bomber is caught. But at the same time, he was missing something in the family. That's for sure, people's time is limited, and in the final analysis it's a choice. And, can your choice be understood. Why mention understanding? If you are obsessed with work, of course you don’t want to be misunderstood by your family and you don’t want to be responsible for your family, but people have different emphases at different stages, which doesn’t mean you don’t love your family, but this requires both parties to understand Forgiving is not easy.

The sixth episode, about the bomber's childhood.

Smart since childhood, smarter than his peers, very lonely, met a good friend, and then the good friend fell in love and isolated him. He entered Harvard at the age of 16 and met a professor who he admired very much. He joined the professor's group and had the opportunity to talk with the professor once a week. He felt that the professor admired him and could talk to the professor. Make him feel very happy to have a close friend. But I didn't expect that this professor was a brainwashing specialist and a member of the CIA's brain control experimental team, and he was just a guinea pig.

(There is an episode here, when the professor first entered the basement where the experiment was conducted, the professor publicly humiliated him in front of government officials, saying that his ideas were nothing more than plagiarism, and read his mother's letter , the general content is that his mother authorized others to transform his son's behavior, because the mother also thinks her son is a bit strange. Later footage showed that the letter was not written by his mother, it was the usual trick of their brainwashing specialist, denying you, Then double negative you with the attitude of the people closest to you, thereby breaking you down.)

Even though he realized this problem, he still participated in the experiment. He wanted to prove that even in countless experiments that he wanted to submit to, he could still not submit, and no one could change them, so he participated in the experiment.

It turned out that he was indeed unchanged, but the pain remained forever and turned into something else.

He couldn't trust anyone, he felt that the people he loved and admired betrayed him, which made him feel pain, and then he went to an extreme, since he couldn't trust anyone, let everyone hate him Alright, so he started the bomber tour.

(It may be that everyone's thinking mode is different. He really thinks that everyone has betrayed him. If this situation happens to me now, I will judge the reason. It may not be my problem, but the positioning of the role. It may not be a betrayal, but it is inappropriate. It may be that the successive incidents made him doubt himself, but in fact, it does not mean that there is a connection. He does have a problem himself, but this kind of problem will not make the final result so extreme. It is related to the collision with each other, and it is related to the people he meets. It is all the experiences of a person, including the feedback from the people he meets, which leads to what kind of person he becomes.)

There is a detail in this episode, he often goes to that library to help, a child of a female administrator, they have a conversation, that child is very talented in math, but also isolated, he persuaded that child, specifically I don't I said it, but that piece touched me very much. The most touching thing was that the kid had a birthday party and gave him a card and asked him to come. He was going to mail the next bomb, but when he saw the card, he didn't It was mailed, and he went to the birthday party, but because he felt that his gift was shabby, he saw the violin given to him by the child's friend. He felt that his gift was not good, so he went back, and then he burned the gift, back to its own state.

Nearly melted, but back to being myself, back to being angry with the whole world.

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