Movie Notes 019: Pandora's Box

Graham 2022-09-05 05:20:34

When Shane talked to Lulu about getting married and ending his relationship with her, he found out that Scottie had come to see her and hid before, and left in anger. Lulu came to find Shan's son Alva, causing a conflict between father and son, and the two decided to make her popular together. As the show approaches, Lulu stops backstage, and Sean is seen by his fiancée when he is alone and intimate with her. Shi En had to marry her. On the night of the wedding banquet, he was enraged by Scorsey and others with a gun to frighten everyone away, and stuffed it into Lulu's hand to make her commit suicide, but he got shot and killed himself. At the trial scene, Scourge, the Countess and others rescue Lulu. After returning to Sean's house, Lulu and Alva decide to escape together. On the train, Piani found them being blackmailed, leading them to take refuge on a gambling boat. Piani wants to sell Lulu to make money, Lodigu also threatens and asks her for money, Alva is caught cheating in gambling, Scousy and Lulu use the Countess to kill Lodigu, and flee to London with Alva . The poverty on Christmas Eve led Lulu to sell himself to make money, attracting the Ripper and being killed. In the foggy night, the Ripper disappeared and Alva disappeared behind the religious ranks.

Lulu's temptation does not deliberately express initiative and psychology, but only directly and objectively expresses the mixture of the tempted person's reaction and her shallow and naive temptation, which increases the complexity and richness of viewers' feelings and the ambiguity of interpretation;
Similarly, the handling of the character Scourge also adds to the ambiguous and complicated relationship between him and Lulu. Under the influence of changes in the environment, they both behave as "simple and direct" as animals in order to adapt to survival. There is a contrast between the upper-class figures such as Wah and the Countess who are attracted by the lure of Lulu from the bottom.

From the beginning of the trial, the countess shouted, "My lord, if your wife had to spend the night in a bar since she was a child, do you know what she would be like now?", the second half of the film also began to enter the world where Pandora's box was opened. . The transformation of the character of Alva has also become the sinking of the upper layer into the lower layer with the temptation under the rupture of the two environments. It also responds to the source of ambiguity in the mixture of lulu's shallowness and innocence and temptation in the first half. "The economic environment in the first half of the film is all about sexual attraction, and the second half is a completely different economic environment, characterized by characters extorting each other, extortion instead of sexual attraction." The only constant is Lulu's role as a character. The object of such desires and needs from beginning to end. At the end, when all forms of exchange are temporarily stopped or replaced, the replaced image is a pure gift, and the character of Lulu is gone (done).

Expression techniques:
1. The appearance of the characters is also confusing, such as Lulu and Scotty in the opening scene, and the Ripper in the final scene. The details of the characters' behavior and the temperament of the environment are used to gradually show and reveal;
2. The props in the picture that are opposite to the characters information, the little monster at 4:23, the painting at 6, the little donkey at 9 and a half, the statue at 58:33, the crocodile at 1h37, etc
.; Wah, the Countess) in the face of temptation and the hesitation and entanglement it brings, the shallowness or roughness of the bottom background (Lulu, Scorsy, Lodigu) brings the directness, such as in the first act, Shi En and Lulu and Shi. Causey's different performance reactions, Sean and Lulu in the backstage scene, Sean and Alva in the wedding banquet scene, the Countess to Lulu, Scocie, Rodigu, Alva and Lulu in the bathroom scene ;The other is Piani and the Ripper, both of them change and end the plot line, and face the temptation brought by Lulu and ultimately their own desire for money or killing is better;
4. At 55:37 At the beginning of the mirror, Lulu bends over to paint, Shien enters the painting through the mirror, Lulu rises up and draws the figure together, and Lulu retreats back to draw the figure. The use of the mirror and the changes in the movement of the characters also enrich the relationship between the characters.
5. The subsequent shooting scene does not directly explain who was shot, allowing the audience to follow the emotional changes of the characters in hesitant guessing ;
6. Around 2h1, the Ripper turned his back to the audience, threw down the knife, and then made his hands in candlelight and knife light. This change enriched the inner fluctuations of the characters, and the final killing was only indirectly by hanging down with his hands, turning off the lights, etc. 7. At the end ,
the Ripper and Alva made eye contact and disappeared into the fog, the religious team played, Scottie ate his Christmas pudding, and the complicated Alva trailing team also disappeared into the fog;
8 . The reference to Pandora in the trial and, later, The End of Christmas, give the film its mythological and religious elements and color, adding to the film's mystique and textual depth.

From the role itself to the relationship between the characters, the scene, the language of the lens, the expression method and the ending, it reflects the rich and ambiguous processing. The audience can understand it from different angles. Through a fuzzy expression method, the multi-angle and multi-perspective of the film also Let the level and connotation be deep and have long-term vitality.

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Pandora's Box quotes

  • Dr. Ludwig Schön: Take it! Kill yourself!

  • Rodrigo Quast: Where is Lulu?