Brave man

Kacie 2022-03-26 09:01:12

The little niece read out what Iran didn't want the world to see, whether it was the self-proclaimed thief, the teacher who argued for it, the businessman who sold the video, the couple in the car accident, and finally the elegant lady. It's part of Iran, I know for the first time, in that country, the characters are alive, and under their teachings, there are still all kinds of things going on, and there are countless people working on it, I don't understand that religion, and they don’t understand their government. However, in the film, it does not show a bad Iran, but a fresh Iran with ideal and curious children, girls who struggle for status, promising A teacher who speaks out for human rights, a thief with a bottom line of dignity, and a husband who leaves a legacy for his wife's rights, and a businessman who feels he has contributed to the youth of the film. To say that there is something unspeakable about this film may be the conscience of Iranian films that have been reviewed.

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  • Nasrin Sotoudeh: They work in a way that let us to know they are watching us.Their tactics are obvious.First, they write you up a police record. Suddenly, you are accused of being an agent for Mossad, The CIA, or MI6. Then they tack on something about your morals, your lifestyle. They make your life into a prison.Although you are released from prison, but the outside world is only a bigger prison.They make your nearest friends into your worst enemies.After that you think all you can do is either leave the country or pray to return to that hole. So i think it's better to let it go.

  • Jafar Panahi: Those films are already made, those books are already written. You have to look elsewhere, you have to find it for yourself.

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