There is no happy ending for the hero and heroine together! You go your way, I have my future! You don't need to sacrifice each other for the future, it's good to love each other, and finally you have to walk your own way, live the life you want to achiev

Dillan 2022-11-19 02:14:26

Watch 7 episodes in one go! Burn! Good western drama, the best is the ending! Americans are tough! Women can still do well without men! There is no happy ending for the hero and heroine together! You go your way, I have my future! You don't need to sacrifice each other for the future, it's good to love each other, and in the end, you have to walk your own way and live the life you want to realize your dreams!! The relationship is very modern! The lady is so good, it should be said that the skeleton is good, and the clothes are so dim The clothes look outstanding! It's so comfortable to watch her!

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