hatred kills a person

Jalyn 2022-03-28 09:01:07

Amad taught literature at the school, and with his wife, Lana, appeared in the troupe's play "Death of a Salesman." Borrowing a suite from a friend of the theatre troupe, because of the illusion caused by the previous female tenant and the wife's misunderstanding, a man entered the house, walked into the bathroom where Lana was taking a shower, hugged her, but found that something was wrong, he threw down the car key and A wad of money fled in a panic. After leaving the hospital, Lana was traumatized and panicked, insecure and reluctant to call the police. Amade's attitude towards Lana obviously changed, coldly. He took his own way of investigation and finally found out that it was an old man with a heart attack. He forced the old man to confess. The old man knew he had done something wrong, which was why he wanted to keep a stack of money in the first place.

Aimad insisted that he find his wife, daughter and son-in-law and disclose his behavior on the spot. The old man begged that he had been in a relationship with his wife for decades, and his daughter was getting married soon. He begged to be spared. He knew at the time that he was wrong, so he ran away in a hurry. Amad first put him under house arrest in a small dark room. The old man was sick, fainted, and woke up after being rescued by him and his terrified wife. Lana didn't let her husband talk when the old man and his daughter came, or he would get a divorce. But when the old man's family was leaving, Amade called him to the room alone, closed the door, and slapped him. When the old man left the room, Amad turned to cry. The old man felt even more guilty, especially in the face of Lana, who had forgiven him with a kind heart, and fainted again. The panting old wife and daughter panicked, kept crying, and waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Unexpected events in life change the relationship between husband and wife, and the relationship between Amade and Lana is increasingly estranged and bad; it has changed the gentle side of a person. For example, Amade gave full freedom to students at first, and it was okay to joke, even because of In a taxi, a lady was unfriendly and persuaded her fellow students to think about the problem from a different angle, but after the accident, her wife became more indifferent, she was also rude to students, distrusted her friends, and used drama to vent to her wife.

It can be seen that hatred harms a person, even if you end up "killing" the enemy, you yourself will become the person you hated before. You want to do justice and eliminate evil, but you must first ensure that you don't become a demon.

The story is not complicated, the events are commonplace, and the screenwriter is also exquisite.

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.