Some of the Statements

Opal 2022-11-12 00:37:25

Imagine what it is like, to constantly wonder what would make a person want to kill you, to look down at injuries that shock you beyond belief, and to wonder what has happened and why, to be overwhelmed with the feelings of rage, and the heartache of knowing that you will never again be the same as you were before.

We've decided to let him live, so let him be our living symbol of cowordice and evil. It gives us a chance to look our worst instincts in the face, and to say to them, "You will not prevail."

What a message, Theodore Kaczynski was avictim. By some convoluted form of logic, you've portrayed yourself as avictim. As you start your life sentence in prison, that is wish for you.

Given that your victims were blinded by your bombs, may you also be blinded, by being deprived of the incredible light of the moon, the stars, the sun, the beauty of nature, for the rest of your life.

Given that your vivtims lost their hearing because of your bombs, may you spend the rest of your days in stony silence.

And given that your victims were maimed by your bombs, may your body be shackled with the same violence and hatred thar already imprisionde your mind.

And given that your victims were killed by your bombs, may your own death occur as you have lived --in a solitary manner, without compassion, or love.

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