snow mountain, nature, life, human nature

Elmo 2022-03-25 09:01:10

Before watching this movie, I had climbed two snow-capped mountains: Siguniang Mountain Dafeng 5025m and Animaqing Maqing Gangri Peak 6282m. After watching the movie, I felt even more deeply. I felt that it was a blessing for such a rash person to come down from the snowy mountain. At this moment, I understood what Coach Daoji said: the success of the coach does not bring everyone to the top. Instead, bring everyone back safely.

Human and Nature. Where is the boundary between man and nature in harmony? How to live in harmony? The word harmony is explained in Baidu Encyclopedia: complement each other, benefit each other, promote and complement each other, and develop together. People get a lot from nature, but what does nature get from people? How can we talk about mutual benefit? Is this a deception?

There is no doubt that people cannot conquer nature and snow-capped mountains. The idea of ​​conquering snow-capped mountains is naive, funny, and ridiculous. Compared with the forces of nature, people are really too small. Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, avalanches, etc. can flatten buildings that they think are indestructible, not to mention life. People can climb snow-capped mountains, but they cannot violate the laws of nature, act against the sky, and magnify their abilities, and they will be punished.

Three types of people are depicted in the film: 1. A businessman who climbed the snow-capped mountains for commercial interests, killing people to save his life. The image of the businessman is vividly displayed. It is estimated that the interests can change the right to speak. It is obviously not possible to climb, because even 1 million US dollars can climb; 2. The elder brother who resolutely re-climbed in order to save his sister; 3. In order to find his wife's body, a mountaineer who stayed in the snow-capped mountains finally found his wife's body, gave up his own life, and saved others. Human nature will be infinitely magnified in the face of life and death. You can't listen to what the actors say on the stage, but depends on what you do when you encounter difficulties.

I went to the snow mountain once and knew what I wanted to have. When I got on the snow line, I felt that life in the camp was very happy; at the same time, I understood that people's needs are actually very simple. If you are sleepy, you only need a bed, when you are hungry, you only need a mouthful of food, and when you are cold, you only need a piece of clothing. . On the snowy mountains, I don't have as many imaginations as in the city, but I think it was my best time.

Respect nature, love life!

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Vertical Limit quotes

  • Skip: How about it Mal? You and Cyril have been up there before.

    Malcolm Bench: No. I mean why would we want to leave this place?

    Cyril Bench: Luxurious accomodation. Fine cuisine.

    Malcolm Bench: Sultry weather. Frostbite's off my dick.

    Cyril Bench: I reckon we should wait until they chuck in a ski lift.

    Malcolm Bench: Good idea. Imagine coming to the Himalayas and actually having to do some climbing. Especially when you have to complete your autobiography.

    Cyril Bench: And rustle up those all important endorsements. You wankers! What's bloody wrong with you?

    Cyril BenchMalcolm Bench: We're in.

  • Cyril Bench: That's a bloody great idea. Smoking next to the nitro. Although, bro and I always hoped that you'd blow us.