The film was released in France on December 10, 2014 and in China on August 12, 2016. Based on an Irish folk tale, the film was produced by the Irish Cartoon Saloon Company and produced by several studios in Belgium, Denmark, France, and Luxembourg. Co-produced animation, directed by Tom Moore. The picture is sweet, and the characters of the protagonist brother and sister are warm. In fact, the image of each character is very warm, even the villain. In the two worlds where elves and humans are intertwined, the seal elf Cher (sister) uses her spirituality to save her clan and herself with the help of her brother. The disaster encountered by the elves actually came from a mother's "rescue" for her child's inextricable pain, taking away "bad" emotions such as pain and sorrow, and as a result, the elves turned into stones, what a kind but stupid move. , Suppressing bad emotions will only lead to indifference, like a stone without flesh and blood, the song from the seal spirit awakens the sleeping soul, and the world returns to its colorfulness. Sigh, in the process of human history, there is no lack of wisdom close to the original heart, but how many people in the artificial haste, twists and turns, gradually drifting away from wisdom.
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