
Elyssa 2022-10-22 23:07:29

First, pay tribute to Angel Julie, who is full of humanistic care. Far away from all diseases, you are far away from you. What Julie brings us is the history of suffering life under the rule of a brutal government in a turbulent era. Going too far, what kind of government would persecute its own people like this? They were still children who were forced to farm, but couldn't fill their stomachs. They were trained to be Boy Scouts at a young age, shooting guns, laying mines, and suffering. Looking at things that shouldn't be there at this age, after reading it, I feel terrified. I think that our parents also experienced the 10 years of the Cultural Revolution. Now, ignorant governments are terrible, fanatical people are even more terrible, because they release the devil in their hearts

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First They Killed My Father quotes

  • [first lines]

    Richard Nixon: [on broadcast TV] Cambodia, a small country of 7 million people, has been a neutral nation since the Geneva agreement of 1954. American policy since then has been to scrupulously respect the neutrality of the Cambodian people.

    British Reporter: [standing with troops] The Vietnamese armies on the south side of the river appear to be indifferent to the contest.

    Cambodian Politician: Under the pretext that there is a war necessity, they come into Cambodia.

    Field Reporter: Are you glad to be in Cambodia?

    Soldier: Negative. No.

    Radio Reporter: The principle casualties appear to be innocent Cambodians.

    Henry Kissinger: [at podium] ... the occasional difficulties in reaching a final solution.

    Richard Nixon: What we are doing is to help the Cambodians help themselves. This is *not* an invasion of Cambodia.

    French Reporter: The Nixon Doctrine for Southeast Asia appears to have failed. The war that began in Vietnam has now engulfed Cambodia. There is anger and frustration at the US bombings. Thousands of lives lost. Farms and livelihoods destroyed.

  • Propoganda Announcer: It's better to make a mistake and kill an innocent person than to leave an enemy alive.