
Karl 2022-03-26 09:01:10

There is a saying: "Your feelings are like a glass of wine. The first person touches and spills half of it. You shake your head and say it's okay, and then you fill it up. The second person touches and spills half of it, and you continue to fill it up. The third person ... your feelings are getting weaker, but everyone gets your full glass of wine toast."

This is love, but what about being together and talking about marriage? Emotions are still being consumed.

The reason I love the romantic years now is because I can. And preparing for the day when I can no longer be.

I'm so happy to know this when I was young, and at the same time it makes me a little bit confused, certainly not desperate, because I can still feel I'm I charge

The people in the movie are sadder than the people in real life, but they are also gratifying. They pay attention to their hearts, so they have to spend their days on the surface. Some people give up the observation of their hearts and live a similar life day after day as if they are important enough. Everything can be maintained.

Whether it is cured or not is not so important, because no matter what stage or class people are, they have their own troubles.

If it is unavoidable, try to make yourself happy. Your life is still yours. Bounds make people feel needed and self-esteem. Freedom is the joy of nothing behind. There is a choice at any street intersection, and no one will care which street intersection you want to suddenly go back.

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La Notte quotes

  • Giovanni: I've been selfish. It's strange to realize only now that what we give to others comes back to us.

  • Mr. Gherardini: It's what you say that counts, not your intention.