Interpersonal Communication - Loneliness and Love

Joanny 2022-11-01 13:46:11

I haven't come into contact with people with autism in real life, and this is the first time I've seen a TV series about autism. Therefore, I am not sure whether this is the normal state of autistic patients. Of course, I also know that TV series cannot fully show the life of autistic patients. After all, art will be beautified. But the biggest role of this TV series is to give us the impression that people with autism can also be cute and accessible, and they can be an ordinary person who appears in our lives. It allows us to try to understand, pay attention to, and care for autistic patients, and let us show more tolerance and kindness to the autistic patients we meet in real life.

The show isn't just about autistic people, it's fuller and richer. It unfolds the story with Sam at the center. The main characters in the play are Sam - autistic who loves the Antarctic and penguins; Casey - has been taking care of Sam's sister, track and field athlete; Doug - Sam's father, who used to care less about Sam; Elsa - Sam's Mom, housewife, has been taking care of Sam; Julia-Sam's psychiatrist, his daily emotions are not smooth; Zahid-Sam's geek friend, thinks he is a master of pickup; Paige-Sam's trainee girlfriend , a kind and good student; Evan - Casey's boyfriend; Nick - the bartender, Elsa's cheating object. The main line of the story is very simple. 18-year-old Sam, with a teenage desire for love, decided to start looking for a girlfriend under the advice of psychiatrist Julia. And this has had a big impact on the family. The mother, who has always cared about Sam, felt the emptiness of being unneeded. When she met a bartender who had a completely different lifestyle from her own, she struggled and finally cheated. Sam's father, who has always lacked love for Sam, is very sorry, so when Sam encountered this problem, he stood up, tried to understand Sam, and wanted to be a qualified father. At this time, his relationship with his daughter But because of his previous escape, he was frustrated. The problems encountered by Sam's younger sister Casey are not directly related to Sam. During her adolescence, dealing with family, love, friendship and other feelings has become the biggest challenge. The cause of Julia's problem is also related to Sam. Sam's chocolate strawberries became the fuse that destroyed her relationship with her boyfriend, and Sam's sudden confession caught her off guard and lost her qualities as a psychiatrist. As Sam's trainee girlfriend, Paige is destined to be tragic. Although she is always chirping, she has the purest love and care for Sam.

In Sam, we see his struggles and doubts. The existence of autism makes him always have all kinds of problems in his daily life. One of the details that impressed me the most is that he heard a strange word twat (idiot) when his family was chatting. At that moment, only these two syllables twat twat twat twat were left in his mind..., under normal circumstances, ordinary people He would look it up in the dictionary, or ask people what the word means, but Sam was different, he kept repeating the word over and over, and finally even jumped out when Evan and his sister Casey first met and said a Twat to let him know. Everyone was embarrassed. There are many similar plots. He doesn't know how to be euphemistic. In the process of getting along with others, it is difficult for him to understand other people's feelings. When Paige took Sam to see his family, he confided his feelings directly at the dinner table, telling Paige that he didn't like her, leaving the Paige family in embarrassment. Although Sam has various shortcomings, we can still see that he is trying to change. In one episode Sam says he has empathy too, which is evidence that he is slowly approaching ordinary people. In the process, he is slowly learning to love a person, to be independent, to live a better and more dignified life. Maybe some people think Sam's candor is cute, but the truth is, this candor is very valuable, but the rules of interpersonal communication cannot be broken. If Sam wants to live a better life, he must learn, Because not everyone will love him as unreservedly as his mother and accommodate him, even a future lover.

The most lovable character in the show is probably Casey. At first I thought she was Sam's older sister, because he was always taking care of Sam, and then I was really proud of her when I found out she was my sister. Casey's most fan-favorite scene is when someone bullies a fat girl, she stands up bravely and punches the bully hard. Later, he also met his boyfriend. She also did a good job in love. She didn't doubt Evan because of the gossip at school, but asked the facts herself. She also has her own views on sexuality and is not influenced by the environment. As a woman in the new era, she makes decisions for her own body. The biggest problem she encountered should be in terms of family relationships. She has always been close to her father due to the lack of concern from her mother. After finding out that her father had abandoned them, she no longer ran with her father in the morning. She also found out about her mother's derailment. She was very torn about whether to disclose it, and finally wrote it down on the family schedule out of anger. It was seen by her father, which also paved the way for the next season's plot. .

After watching this drama, I always feel that loneliness is not a terrible thing, what is terrible is meaningless loneliness. Thinking that autistic patients are trying hard to integrate into this society and experience the various feelings of interpersonal communication, we normal people are even more unable to close ourselves. We need to communicate, to contact many people, to like many people, to love some people, to hate certain people, and to hate a few people. Only in this way can we truly live. In addition, I am also reflecting on whether I am too euphemistic and dare not express my feelings. In this case, we all guess and dare not easily believe others, and the distance is getting farther and farther. In fact, there is nothing to hide, but to show your true self to those who will care about you, understand you, and stand by your side. In short, it is to communicate with all kinds of people, learn to get along with grace, and learn to be honest in front of the right people. Dealing with people has always been difficult, both for autistic people and for us normal people.

Regarding love, there are 6 relationships in this show, Doug and Elsa, Evan and Casey, Sam and Paige, Sam and Julia, Julia and Miles, Elsa and Nick. My favorite episode should be Sam and Paige, because this is an unlikely relationship in real life. Paige should be the most kind and lovely girl in this show. She is excellent in learning and sincere. Although she is a talker, But the talker is usually careless, and the anger at being dumped by Sam at the end is also very real and cute. And the best thing about this show is that it's very realistic, even though Paige is the girl who tries to understand Sam the most and loves him the most, but Sam understands that his true love is Julia, this is the tragedy that people have always been, you love She, she loves him, he doesn't love her, Dead Circle. We experience heartbreak all the time, maybe falling in love with someone who doesn't love us, maybe being in love with someone we don't love. And true kindness is ending as soon as possible. The one that everyone dislikes is usually Elsa and Nick's extramarital affair. After all, this is an immoral thing, and Elsa's entanglement also reflects her conscience condemning herself. I never knew if they were in love or not, after all Elsa was empty and Nick was thrilled. Although the final breakup of the two was also very beautiful, but at Drama's request, this must be a relationship that will be exposed. In short, don't cheat. After all, marriage is a beautiful promise. cheating is immoral. If you find true love, it's okay to tell the truth and get together. I won’t go into details about the rest of the relationships. This is a story about love, and our life is also a process of finding love. The problems they encounter will definitely not be less in our lives, and it is these problems. Make love more precious.

Finally I want to sum it up with a sentence from the TV series: As Antarctic winter descends the ice continues to grow, effectively doubling the size of the continent. Doubling it! In this way, the cold creates matter. It has presence. It takes up space . Recently, researchers have discovered that when penguins make even the smallest movement together, they create a unique behavioral warming structure. So emperor penguins perform a mass dance to keep warm. They heat up the planet by dancing. But you wouldn't expect such a little thing to make a difference. One penguin couldn't warm up that on its own. They do it by being together. (I won't translate!!!)

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