Everyone is an island and then what?

Stone 2022-10-26 16:37:25

Beginning with Bojack Horseman, indulging in American black humor, and dying to the extreme is another kind of optimism. Sam has his paradise, everything about Antarctica. The overprotection of his parents, after everything overwhelming, actually affected his normal growth. He wanted to have a girlfriend and was eager to walk into the crowd. Fortunately, there is a good friend who has been with him to guide him. Encouragement from therapist Julie. The protection of sister Caisei.

Focusing is something we need to learn from autistic people, and they need to beware of being overly immersed in their own world. Sam changed as he took notes, until Peige showed up. She is my favorite character in the whole show. She likes everything about Sam. She keeps him in the closet and organizes his clothes for him. She is talkative, sincere, and brave. Her feelings are strong, and her reactions give Sam the best growth cues for him to respond and change.

In getting along with Peige, Sam began to learn a very important point, sympathy. He made changes in order to make the people around him happy, and finally he mustered up the courage to jump into the water and found the penguin necklace for Peige. Everything was slowly getting better.

The pair of sister Caisei is also super sweet and likes the looks very much.

The last igloo.

All in all, a good show, a good theme


Looking forward to the second season

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