"The full moon said, I want you to see, so I'm shining"

Murray 2022-03-26 09:01:12

The film "The Taste of Chengsha", adapted from the Japanese novel of the same name by Tetsuya Akikawa, has a quiet picture accompanying the story, which brought me into deep thinking. In today's noisy life, perhaps, we all hope to hear such a quiet voice, telling us - "it's yourself".

Through the sad background clues of the store manager Chitaro, the 70-year-old leper Dejiang, and the middle school student Wakana, the three people are intertwined into a warm picture. Beneath their peaceful faces, there was, or was, a river of sadness, which gurgled away with a sad identity and turned into the current status quo.

Chitaro manages a small dorayaki shop, which is eaten by middle school students and surrounding residents every day, including middle school student Wakana. The store manager Chitaro is a man who seldom laughs, and who is in a bad mood to drink to relieve himself. But he will bring the dorayaki that is not good enough every day to bring home Wakana from a poor family. He is kind and warm, but the situation is very helpless. He had injured people on impulse before and was sent to prison. After being released from prison, Chitaro was ostracized by the world (this situation is very similar to Dejiang's current situation), and never had the chance to hear his mother tell a story for him again. As a result, because of his life and the debt he owed before, he will live every day on the spot, even if he doesn't like sweets, he will manage this dorayaki shop for the owner.

On the other hand, Wakana, a middle school student, will not be able to go to school because of her poverty. Even his own pet canary had to end up as a gift in the end. And Mrs. Dejiang, fifty or sixty years ago, when she was about the same age as Wakana, was found to have leprosy and was sent to a nursing home. Like many lepers, he had to live a life of isolation. Even after she became pregnant with a child, she was forcibly aborted, and she never had a child of her own in her life. Born to her, in fact, the door was closed very early, just like the door of a nursing home that is closed all day long and isolates them from the outside world.

Looking at these three people, we can see that everyone in the world has their own sorrows and their own unknown stories, but they all need to use their own wisdom to live well.

They are attracted to each other with the same emotions, get close to each other, and then form a "warm family".

What is leprosy? It is explained in Baidu Encyclopedia, "It is a chronic infectious disease caused by Bacillus leprae, and the main lesions are in the skin and peripheral nerves. Linchuan manifests as numb skin damage, enlarged nerves, and even extremity disability in severe cases. Infection. The main method is direct contact infection, followed by indirect contact infection." Dejiang was in the age of cardamom when he suffered from leprosy, when leprosy was still regarded as an incurable disease. This reminds me of the novel "Island" by British author Victoria Hislop, which is a terrifying, deeply sad, yet uplifting work that details the life of a leper. Makes people feel good. Interested friends can read.

Because of social isolation, separated from his family, and probably never see each other for the rest of his life, Dejiang's face was full of sadness and hopelessness all day long. His expression was the same as Chitaro now. "That's the look on my face when I thought I couldn't get outside the fence anymore," she said. We don't know how this old man has endured so many hardships, and finally gained inner peace, became enlightened, and loved life more. And use his decades of experience to teach young people (Sentaro and Wakana), "Do your own thing when you are young, because you are still free." Yes, because you are young, you have freedom. Horizontally, there is no wall blocking you; vertical, you still have a lot of time to spend. These are capital.

Dejiang likes to talk to everything. In her heart, everything has a story. I think that only people with a heart like a valley and a gentle and kind heart can be so sympathetic to the common people.

Qiantaro's dorayaki bean paste fillings are all ordered from other companies, but in Dejiang's eyes, "the soul of dorayaki is bean paste." Running a dorayaki shop, I was very disappointed with the rough bean paste filling. The filming of the picture of boiling the bean paste stuffing is really beautiful, and it would be no exaggeration to say that it has the artistic conception of "A Bite of China". It is also in this picture that the viewer can deeply appreciate the spiritual power of Dejiang, and see her worship of her craftsmanship.

She calls the sun "Mr. Sun" and talks to them when she cooks the bean paste filling, she says she is "serving them" and says "It's rude to cook them right away, we have to adapt the beans to the sugar" ...Every word she said made Chitaro think. A philosophy of life conveyed by a wise man of life. And this is not exactly what she wants to achieve by contacting this junior - to let Chitaro find himself again.

It is impossible to compare a life made with "should it" to one made with "careful". So, Tokujiang's bean paste made Chitaro's dorayaki a big hit. On the other hand, it also shows that if Chitaro spends his whole life in order to cater to the owner of this shop and does things against his heart, the sadness of life will be as always. But life, as Dejiang said, can actually go "outside the fence".

I like De Jiang's saying, "The full moon said, I want you to see it, so I'm shining." Then you, why don't you try to burn yourself? Because -

"We are born into this world, to see, to hear, because of this, we don't have to be someone, we have the meaning of our own existence".

At the end of the story, Dejiang died of pneumonia, and Chitaro gave up his embarrassing position as a store manager and opened a dorayaki stall. And this, making and selling dorayaki, has become his favorite thing to do.

His cry at the end of the film - "Dorayaki... Let's taste it." The calm, solid tone, let us see a moon that was once obscured by clouds, in order for people to see themselves, slowly Slowly and firmly broke free from the shackles of the clouds... and finally, it became itself.

A story of peace that draws you little by little into the teachings of pain. The peaceful ending brings you back to reality step by step.

Doing things without violating our own hearts is something that each of us wants to balance with reality and has been pursuing?

This work, presumably, is not for us to really do things for our hearts (which not all people can achieve). It is more likely to remind us not to forget ourselves, to forget happiness, and not to lose the original purpose of life.

Author: Ayao WeChat public account: suwlai

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.