The extreme darkness of humanity

Catharine 2021-10-13 13:05:36

For most of 2007, "Old Nowhere" can be described as a great ride, and went straight to the Oscars. Until the end of the year, Paul Thomas Anderson and Daniel Day Lewis, who had lived in seclusion for many years, released the "Blood Is Coming", which made suspense again. . Although, in the end, Anderson did not disturb the good things of the Coen brothers, but his film is enough to become a masterpiece for movie fans, and it also makes the Oscar judges at least a little compensatory for him in the next awards.

The story of "Blood is Coming" is the later period of the so-called "robber capitalist" that we are familiar with. During this period, we have heard too many legends of the tycoons and bloody stories, and the protagonist in the film, Daniel, can be said to be at the time. The "great winners" of the dark side of capitalists. At the beginning of the film, we can see a tough Daniel, dragging his injured leg forward. In fact, this is also the common feature of the tycoons at that time, perseverance, full of endurance, and will never give up when the goal is met. . Of course, if the target is spotted, any obstacles that stand in front of the target will be removed by the Daniels without hesitation. In the role of Daniel, one of the highlights is that the whole film does not focus on his family history to satisfy people's curiosity, but focuses on portraying his humanity, making the image of a human demon appear on the screen, which makes people shudder. , But feel that such a person seems familiar.

For Lewis, it doesn't seem to be a problem to play any role, not to mention the similarities between Daniel and Bill the Butcher in "The Gangs of New York", rude, arbitrary, and unreasonable. Daniel is always in an unquestionable posture in the film. We can notice that when arguing with others, he doesn't care what others are saying, he only further raises his voice, speeds up his speech, and talks to himself. In general, he should overwhelm others with his aura, which means he never communicates with others, only conquer. Yes, Daniel always plays the role of a conqueror. He will never give up unless he achieves his goal. For this reason, he can deceive others, threaten others, and be humiliated. Therefore, when a tycoon wants to buy his assets and lure his wealth At that time, we knew this was the weakest temptation, because for Daniel, money is not the most important thing, as he said to his "brother" Henry, "I only look at the dark side of people", "My hatred these years The fire burns more and more.” He cares more about conquering and winning again and again. He treats everyone as an opponent. He is sometimes polite, in order to trick others into gaining benefits; he sometimes Rage like thunder, in order to humiliate others for the pleasure of seeking, when they learn that they have been deceived, and some people actually want to conquer him, it is even more straightforward physical destruction. In short, the film deeply reveals a person who is obviously devoid of humanity and bottom line. He has his own personality charm, but it is a formidable "charm."

The darkest aspect of Lewis’ humanity is the relationship between him and his son. He has always brought his children to work, ostensibly to train the children and regard them as partners, but people who really care about their children. Unless forced to do so, he would not bring his young children to work. When the oil field blowout, he first rescued the child courageously, but when the oil well caught fire, Lima left the child and went out to work excitedly. At this time, he had forgotten the child’s pain, but instead found the "oil ocean". happy. When the child is deaf, he assumes a “caring” posture of spending a lot of money to treat the child, but just like today, many people rush to the child to spend money, but instead of spending time with the child, he is busy with work and work. Just like socially, Daniel's heart is still conquering his career, and even doing even better, sending his child away from a lonely life. From that moment on, the relationship between the two has actually come to an end. The climax of the father-son break is worth chewing. First of all, although the son actually has language skills, he still communicates directly with his father. Instead, he uses sign language to ask others to interpret and convey it to his father. This detail shows that the two can no longer communicate smoothly, just like, if You and a person are close at hand but you rarely communicate face-to-face. Instead, you frequently send emails to catch N back and forth exchanges with an intermediary, which shows that the communication problem at this time is no longer small. Secondly, when the son uses sign language, the father needs an interpreter to understand the information, and a parent who really cares about the child, if the child is deaf and dumb, of course, he will learn sign language to communicate directly with the child. He doesn't take children's happiness seriously. Like many people, he excuses "no time" to shirk his responsibility. Finally, his hysterical and vicious curses made his image completely equivalent to the devil.

The overall tone of this film is dark to the end. The dark side of human nature is shown almost completely in the film. Not only Daniel, but also his opponents are not innocent people. In the past, the unremitting struggles between the righteous and the wicked are us. I haven't seen it, it is more an ugly struggle of interests. The confrontation between the priest and Daniel is the most prominent expression of the social background of that era. From the time Daniel came to the land that allowed him to prosper in the future, the priest expressed his interests and concerns to Daniel. He wanted the church to get money and at the same time. Before the start of oil extraction, he placed himself in the position of a sacred role. In the church, he also looked like a "jumping god" cult. In the film, he also showed the benefit of the heart, and at the same time there was more vanity and hypocrisy. It is more disgusting than Daniel, which is in line with many current situations. We often "appreciate" and envy some evil people who have gotten into trouble after getting rich, but we are always decisive towards the little people who try to divide the pie. disgust. The priest is in a state of being played by Daniel throughout the film. He was deceived, beaten, and killed. The only time in the film that he got a hit was the scene where Daniel was slapped in the church. However, in fact, he is still being fooled. It is just Daniel's attempt to retreat to advance. At the same time, this stage will make Daniel's unscrupulous and patience to achieve the goal even more brilliant. And the humiliation and burden is often the final pleasure of revenge. In the last scene, the priest is extremely humiliated, and at the same time, he pitifully falls to the ground, becoming another sign of conquest for the tyrannical Daniel.

The total darkness and depressing dullness are what I feel in the whole "Blood is Coming". Daniel has a demon image, but he has made amazing achievements in that era. Even in the economic depression, he still has a comfortable life. . Of course, he lost his family, no friends, and finally lived a lonely drunken life. People often see such results and say, "If you have gains, you will lose", and affectionately say that such people actually "lost a lot" and so on. . However, in fact, this is often our self-comfort. It is difficult for us to accept that such people have achieved great success without being at ease, so we always have to imagine their "pain". What Anderson did in this film is that he made Daniel also reveal some conscience, but in fact he quickly told us that this was just a "technical timeout" of the evil of human nature, and soon he came again with double evil. Feedback to society. no friend? He doesn't care, he can continue to conquer; break with his son? He doesn't care, since he can be abandoned in the past, and he doesn't care if he takes the initiative to leave, it is a little troublesome to become a competitor; will he regret it in the future? He looked up to the sky and smiled, so let's wait for the future! The darkness has penetrated into his bones, and the demons were so good at that time. In the end, Daniel said to the butler, "It's over." What is over? This is reminiscent. If you are optimistic, you can imagine the era of a robber capitalist is over. . Or, according to the tone of the film, the darkness continues. This is but another conquest of Daniel is over. Not only Daniel, but Daniel, they continue to conquer and devil. Welcome to pay attention to the official account: two or three things about movies, ID: aboutfilms

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.