"Generation Kill" Note

Deron 2022-03-25 09:01:11


Episode 1 "Get Some"

This kind of officer with puppy eyes, please give me a dozen _(:з"∠)_

Love song duet (x) can it be better w

Is it a real recording at the end?


Episode 2 "The Cradle of Civilisation"

People get high during the war, eager to head to the deepest firezone, shooting and killing, so as to prove themselves and to convince the world (and some of their own kind) the justice of this whole shit.

eye-fxxking everywhere ;)

baby face with a calm voice

So caught in the dilemma of whether to stand nate/brad or ray/brad (x)

nate to brad: I'm glad you are my team leader.


Episode 3 "Screwby"

He is a psycho. But at least he's our psycho.

Some so-called "leaders" magnify others' mistakes which are made because of the strict adherence to orders, but always forget it is they that give those orders in the first place.

Learn to be gay for you, sing for you, and give you chords... marine friendship ╮(╯▽╰)╭

I kept breaking my mouth, kept my mouth shut, and finally had a leg. → The daily life of the mouth gun group

But the dog eye Sgt. x baby face Lt. is really good ↓

I only trust you (*/ω\*)

Nate is really a very powerful person, who can calmly question the idiot boss and comfort his subordinates in time. born to be a leader★


Episode 4 "Combat Jack"


Episode 5 "A Burning Dog"

People brought war to the country, and then the war brought more people here.


Episode 6 "Stay Frosty"

It is also great for a semi-naked glider to enter the combat state in one second >3<

With the war going, both sides are adapting to it.

Episode 7 "Bomb in the Garden"



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Extended Reading

Generation Kill quotes

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddy. War is the motherfucking answer.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [to Person] Careful with the Rip Fuel.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Fuck, man! I'm on thirty hours no sleep! Beat the record I made in high school when I was on the debate team.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Wait a minute, you were on the debate team?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Whats the channel for the 119s?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: [to Colbert] 64 and tad 7.

    [to Wright]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah, I was really really fucking good, but all the other guys on the team thought I was high all of the time.