PS I myself am not too convinced this script leaked. Duan Friends on Zhihu is also a bit level, and it is possible that someone really wants to make up such a story.
Without further ado, read the text.
Game of Thrones S08 E01 leaked the script
Scene 1
Tormund and Gendry successfully escaped from Donghaiwang, which was attacked by the Night King. The Flash King Berry Dandelion was left to fight the White Walkers alone, and a melancholy Eddie was killed. Tormund and Gendry flee to Winterfell, behind the burning Castle Black.
Scene 2
Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon arrive at Winterfell, Davos finds Winter was darker and colder than when he left Jon. Jon and Arya reunite (for the first time). Daenerys meets Sansa and Sansa asks her if she is having an affair with Jon, to which Dany doesn't respond. Sansa wasn't too happy about Jon returning to power at Winterfell and bringing back Daenerys, which Jon noticed and had a cordial exchange with her. Sansa tells Jon that Littlefinger has been executed and that Littlefinger has always been a traitor.
Jon has been waiting for Cersei reinforcements, but Sansa emphasizes that it would be utterly foolish to cooperate with Cersei. The Hound had a conversation with Arya, Arya said that she never regretted leaving the Hound to die, and the Hound said he felt Arya should have killed him in the first place, especially when he saw the fire outside the Wall. After the White Walkers scene.
Scene 3
Euron Greyjoy brought the Golden Company to King's Landing and met Cersei with the captain of the Golden Company in the Throne Room, where Cersei thanked Euron for bringing these mercenaries across the sea to King's Landing. Cersei ordered them to take Storm's End and gather their troops there, and since Robert Baratheon had told her that Storm's End had stood for centuries without falling, Cersei believed that Storm's End would also be able to resist in the long night Alien. Since Storm's End has long been left without (Baratheon's) men, the Golden Company will easily take the city. Storm's End will be used by all of Cersei to protect themselves in the upcoming Battle of the Dawn.
Euron has an affair with Cersei, and Euron tells Cersei jokingly - having tasted the pleasure he gave her, she won't think about Jaime any more. (Maybe see a nude scene.) Hearing this, Cersei's face is very ugly, because Cersei actually does not feel comfortable sleeping with Euron. The next morning, Euron used the Serenity to transport the Golden Corps to attack Storm's End, and after returning, Euron asked Cersei to be crowned king. On the Serenity, Euron and Yara have a conversation about Cersei. Yara bluntly tells Euron that she knows that his intention is not to be Cersei's favorite or husband at all, and Euron laughs and tells Yara that her allies in Braavos will do him a favor.
Scene 4
Dany, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the lords of the north and the knights of the valley gathered in the hall of Winterfell, the lord of the valley little Robin made a peace treaty Sir En Royce will also be present. After Sam and Jon are reunited, the two give an eager hug, and Jon tells Sam that he's glad he's back before the big fight.
The lords of the North hated Daenerys and refused to call her queen, and despite Daenerys's affectionate and sensible persuasion, the North's lords did not appreciate it. Lyanna Mormont tells Dany that she will never call Dany "Her Majesty" because to her there is only one King, and that King is Jon Snow, King of the North. Tyrion smiled, then he criticized Lyanna for being rude and Jorah defended Lyanna. Jon emphasizes that there is no time to argue about these pointless trivia, and reminds the rest of the Lannisters that their opinion hasn't been expressed. Sansa again warns them not to trust Cersei, but Tyrion says they can trust Jaime (though Dany doesn't seem to agree much with that).
Everyone discussed how to defend against the Night King and guard the northern border. Jon suggested that Robin could use the Eagle's Nest as bait to lure the enemy into it. Robin didn't care about it and accepted Jon's proposal. After the meeting, Dany complains to Jon that the lords of the North are short-sighted bastards.
Scene 5
Theon Greyjoy encounters Bran when he goes to the Godswood to mourn Robb, and he apologizes to Bran for what he did. Bran says Theon doesn't need to apologize, he thinks (or knows) that Theon saved Sansa as well as himself. Bran tells Theon that he knows that Theon has been tortured under Ramsay Bolton, the young skinny, and Theon is confused and asks how Bran knows this, but Bran is silent.
Arya and Brienne battle it out again, and Jon marvels at Arya's progress. Arya tells Jon that she never forgets what Jon said - to stab enemies with the pointy end. Jon asks Arya why she didn't attend the meeting in the hall, and Arya explains that Sansa is better at dealing with this kind of politics than she is.
Scene 6
Melisandre returns to the Red Temple in Volantis, where she is received by Kinvara (the priestess who assisted Dany and scared the eunuch into peeing). Melisandre tells Kevarra that her mission to bring ice and fire together is complete, and that she is now assisting Jon Snow, the king of the north and the prophesied prince, who is betrayed and killed. After being killed, he was successfully resurrected. Kevala praised Melisandre, believing that she had done a good job of the task given to her by the Lord of Light, but at the same time she believed that Melisandre needed to pay a certain price for the mistakes she had made. Therefore, Kevara tells Melisandre that the Lord of Light needs her to return to the North again, but Melisandre responds that she has been banned from the North by Jon Snow. Kevara smiled meaningfully, only to say that Melisandre would benefit a lot from it.
Scene 7
Jaime encounters Bronn at the inn, and Jaime is amazed and asks Bronn why he wants to follow him. Bronn replied that he had nothing left and was ready to go north to fight. Jaime is happy to have Bronn by his side, and Bronn asks Jaime why he abandoned Cersei, the woman he loves, to which Jaime doesn't want to say more. Bronn asked Jaime about his future plans, and Jaime replied that he was going to take the Lannister stationed in Riverrun to the north. Bronn asked Jaime why he had abandoned the city he had captured, and Jaime said it meant nothing to him, and if Edmure wanted it, let him take Riverrun back.
Scene 8
Tormund and Gendry arrive at Winterfell, and Jon Snow asks Sansa why Bran doesn't come to the meeting in the Great Hall, or even to see him. Sansa tells Jon that Bran has changed a lot and is no longer the Brandon Stark he used to call himself the "Three-Eyed Raven", so don't get too hopeful that Bran will have a long talk with him.
Samwell tells Jon that he and Bran have something urgent to tell him. It was then that Bran saw Jon for the first time in the Godswood, but at the time he was looking through the Green Vision. Jon mentions that he has encountered a wolf spirit outside the Wall, and Sam responds that Bran is not just a wolf spirit, he is the Green Prophet. The two then told Jon's background, although Jon was skeptical. Bran told Jon that he knew everything about him, that he had seen Jon being besieged by the Freedmen outside the Great Wall through Green Vision, that he had seen him and the Night King in a hard battle, and that he had seen how Jon was. He was assassinated by his own Night's Watch brother. Samwell tells Jon that he is the true (first in line) heir to the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen, whose real name is Aegon Targaryen.
Game of Thrones S08 E02 leaked script
, this episode will be two hours long
The first shot is the Great Hall of Winterfell, where Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Davos, and Sansa are all present. Tormund and Gendry informed the people at Winterfell of the fall of the Wall and the annihilation of the Night's Watch, and Tormund described how the Night King, riding the ice dragon Viserion, defeated the Wild and the Night's Watch. Bran Stark confirmed what Tormund said and warned that the Night King is now attacking Winterfell with the Legion of the Dead. Jon realized that it was time for disaster and his life was at stake, so he ordered Maester Vulcan to send out ravens to warn all vassals in the North that they should prepare to defend against the dead, who would be in Winterfell and Night. The king and the army of the dead fought a decisive battle.
After seeing enough evidence, Jon finally accepted his true identity despite his inner struggles, and went down to the crypts of Winterfell to mourn his mother Lyanna and uncle Ned Stark. Daenerys notices Jon's anomaly and finds Jon in the cellar, where she asks Jon with concern if he has any problems. Jon tells Dany that his name is not Jon Snow, and that "Jon Snow" is a lie people have made him believe his whole life. Dany is confused by this and asks Jon to explain, Jon walks away without saying a word, Dany notices Jon's indifference to her.
Jorah Mormont sees Daenerys come out of the cellar, and Jorah asks Dany what happened down there with her and Jon, but Dany simply replies that she doesn't know why Jon became like this. Dany tells Jorah that Jon is hiding something from her, to which Jorah replies that he's been depressed all these days that Dany's gone. After Dany said she was feeling unwell, Jorah took her to Maester Vulcan for a checkup.
Cobain walks into Cersei's bedroom, where he tells Cersei that she needs enough rest after the miscarriage. Cersei says there's no time to rest now, and she doesn't want to talk too much about the miscarriage. After Cobain exits the room, Cersei peers through the window at the snowy King's Landing.
The next shot shows Jaime riding a horse through the snow, and he and Bronn arrive at Riverrun only to find the Tullys besieging the city. James enters the barracks to meet with Edmure Tully, Edmure threatens James that he should lock him up, and James responds that he's not here to argue with him about who the damned city belongs to. Jaime asks Edmure to help his nephew and niece in the Dawn War against the Night King, and in return he will return Riverrun to House Tully. Jaime assures Edmure that the Tullys will take Riverrun back after the war, but not now, as Riverrun's ownership doesn't matter at this point. Edmure agrees to Jaime's proposal, but he does so not for Jaime's sake but for the Tullys.
The vast majority of Stark's vassals and Daenerys' army arrived at Winterfell, including Holland Reed and his daughter Meera Reed and their army. Arya meets a mysterious visitor at Winterfell. Although this man looks like an ordinary Saivsk vassal, his face changes. This man is Jakun Heghar, and Arya marvels at Jakun's visit. Jakun tells Arya that the Many-Faced God needs her to take the life of a person on her list, Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Ja Kun said someone paid for her life (thanks for the comment) and Arya Stark after killing Cersei will be the most loyal servant of the God of Many Faces. Ja Kun handed Arya a bottle of poison and left.
Jon finds an opportunity to have a secret conversation with Holland Reed, and he hopes Holland Reed can confirm the truth of what Bran said. Holland Reed denies this, and Jon pleads with Holland to tell him the truth. Since Robert Baratheon was already dead, there was no need for him to hide the truth, and Horan eventually admitted that Ned was indeed carrying Lyanna's child when he walked out of the Tower of Elysium, but he had vowed to keep it a secret. Finally, Jon, who learned the truth, thanked Holland Reed.
Knowing that the Legion of the Dead will soon descend upon the city, Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Davos, Tormund, Gendry, Varys, Jorah, Theon, The Hound, Grey Worm, and Sam, along with House Stark vassals, and Daenerys' army meet to discuss how to defend the North. At this time, the last Hearth City of the Umber family had been destroyed by the White Walkers, and Ned Umber was killed in battle with the city. Tyrion attends the meeting as Daenerys' representative and proposes a plan to defend the North, while Dany is unable to attend the meeting in person due to medical conditions. Tormund, along with the other surviving Freemen and Dothraki cavalry, the Unsullied, will carry weapons made of dragonglass in battle against the White Walkers at Dreadfort and the White Walkers. On the way of the Legion of the Dead to Winterfell, the dragons Drogon and Rhaegal will burn the ghouls with dragonfire while the Stark vassals and the knights of the valley will be at Winterfell with the less powerful ghoul army. Fighting, they hope to kill the Night King in one fell swoop.
Jon hoped that Brienne and Podrick could take Sansa, Arya and Bran to seek refuge with Robin Arryn in the Eyrie, but Arya objected to this, saying that she was already bigger Most people (men) need to be strong, and they will need her in a big battle. Still, Jon insists that Arya should leave. Jorah also wishes to fight alongside the Mormont family, but Lyanna emphasizes that Jorah has betrayed her family (and thus rejects Jorah's offer).
Varys receives a letter from King's Landing that Euron Greyjoy has taken Storm's End and that Cersei is already stationed there with a large army of mercenaries. Theon requested to attack Storm's End and got Gendry's support (Storm's End was the home of Gendry's father Robert Baratheon), Jon promised Theon himself would help him after defeating the Night King. Kill Euron and save his sister Yara, but now their lives are at stake, and there is no other way but to confront the Night King and his army. Jon needs the help of Theon and the Ironborn, but the disappointed Theon accepts Jon's advice.
Missandei meets Dany in Dany's room, and Dany tells Missandei that Maester Walken has been examined to determine that she is pregnant. But Dany wasn't happy about it, and Missandei asked why. Dany replies that Jon's attitude toward her seems to have changed, but she doesn't know why.
The Freedmen, Dothraki, and Unsullied are preparing to leave Winterfell. Jon asks why Dany didn't attend the meeting, and Dany doesn't answer. Mera Reed went to the Godswood to say goodbye to Bran, but found Bran behaving strangely. Bran begged Mera to warn everyone that the Night King was already at Winterfell. Jon is saying goodbye to Sansa while Mera is running around to warn everyone. At that moment, a violent blizzard swept through Winterfell, and chaos ensues. The armies of the North and Dothraki cavalry assemble outside the city to face the Night King, while Jorah asks Sansa, Arya, and Dany to stay inside. Because they are too crucial, people cannot afford to lose them, and Jorah assures the three that Winterfell will never fall. At the same time Varys, Tyrion, Robin, Samwell, Gilly, Lyanna and Missandei also stayed in Winterfell, Arya obeyed Jon's orders even though she didn't want to hide in the city , while Sansa asked Mera to bring Bran, who was in the Godswood, into the city as soon as possible.
A large number of ghouls invaded the battlefield, and the Dothraki cavalry were the first to engage the Legion of the Dead, but they were quickly slaughtered. The ghouls came one after another, and Bai Ling fought side by side with Jon and rescued Jon from a ghoul, but in the end Bai Ling died to save Jon.
Inside Winterfell, Daenerys is frustrated that she can't ride a dragon and help the living fight the White Walkers. Missandei reassures her that it was unwise for her to be on the battlefield as a pregnant woman, while Sam comforts Gilly and Sam. Sansa, Tyrion, and Varys were shocked by the news that Drogon came between the two armies and burned most of the ghouls, but also wounded many soldiers in the north. The White Walkers joined the fray, and the Night King flew Viserion above them. Viserion also destroyed parts of the army in the North, with Lord Glover and Holland Reed killed by his dragonfire, and Tormund and the Freedmen by Drogon's fire. In addition to this, Drogon also killed a giant ghoul.
Meera meets Bran and asks Bran to leave the Godswood, and Bran tells Meera that he needs to help Jon and the others here. Bran tries to control Rhaegal, and Mela warns Bran that it is too dangerous to stay here and that he should return to the city. Jon and Dany's army was badly damaged and dwarfed by more than half due to the steady stream of ghouls, while the White Walkers attempted to invade Winterfell. Grey Worm wielded a spear made of dragonglass with two White Walkers at the same time, and died heroically after successfully killing one of them. The White Walkers attack Winterfell to kill Bran. Brienne joins Podrick, Jorah, and Gendry to defend Winterfell, but the White Walkers and ghouls eventually make their way into the castle. Brienne became enraged and insane after witnessing Podrick being killed by a group of ghouls, after which she killed one of the White Walkers with the Oathkeeper. Mera again urged Bran to give up trying to control Rhaego and enter the castle as soon as possible, but Bran didn't want to do so, and instead advised Mera to leave and seek protection in the castle. Meera rejects Bran, saying that she will be here with Bran until it's all over.
The reinforcements from Jaime Lannister and the Tullys arrived just at this time, and Bran successfully controlled Rhaegal. The dragon took off and fought with the ice dragon Viserion. Rhaego wanted to bite Viserion's neck directly, but he also suffered fatal injuries in the battle. Rhaegal breathed dragon flames at Viserion, which burned Viserion's back, and the Night King began to flee the battlefield.
Meera realizes this is the end for her and Bran. The White Walkers came to Bran, and she died to protect him. Viserion and Rego continued to fight in the air, and both dragons were seriously injured. Dragonfire seems to be able to deal damage to the Night King. The White Walkers killed Bran, Rego fell out of control, and was eventually killed by the ghouls.
The Night King's Legion of the Dead also began to dwindle, with Jaime and Bronn leading their armies to clear out the remaining ghouls. Jon fought with the Hound and Davos, where the Hound fought like a warrior. When Jon observed that the White Walkers' army was starting to withdraw, he ordered everyone to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, while he helped the others with the Hound and Davos. Valley Knight, Sansa, Brienne and Robin retreat to the Eagle's Nest together, Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, Jorah, Samwell, Gilly, Little Sam , Theon, and the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki were forced to flee south, while Lyanna Mormont and her vassals retreated to Bear Island.
The final shot has Jon and Daenerys on Drogon's back as they watch the dead Northmen and Rhaegal's corpses burn in dragon flames, a battle that's both lost.
Dead: Grey Worm, Tormund, Podrick, Mera, Bran, Rego, Robert Glover, Holland Reed
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