The world of masturbation, philosophy and masturbation

Haylie 2022-03-27 09:01:16

Surprised by the space of its imagination, it broke through the traditional logic, from the first two years of reality and the long-term development of human beings to the last one sang the beauty of life and praised the short life, can not help but cause me to reflect, if it is really the end of the day, how would you choose , is it a lingering life or a short-lived happiness. The teacher is the maker of this space. The heroine broke the rules and became the last "dictator". The forgotten soldier remembered the password from the last "failed life", breaking the ordinary, interesting and illogical, and kicked out the real teacher, and finally the ten people who entered the shelter were very happy, but they still sought death in the end, such a year What does it mean to you? Everyone is equal in the face of survival, regardless of occupation, you choose a career that seems to pursue life and seem noble, but give up a practical one. What kind of equality is this? Some people suppress their desire to live without resistance, and rise from an individual to a human being, isn't it also a lovely fantasy of their own? And the people who survived didn't carry the cute fantasy of the dead and the dead? If you don't talk about personal pursuits, why don't you choose to enter by lottery? If I knew the ending earlier, why didn't we accompany us to the end of the world together? Isn't this a more supreme philosophy? What is the point of the shelter? For me, philosophy is indispensable to today's society, but the ideal of philosophy has a premise. In today's society, the development of human spirit has reached the point where it can think and have the ability to think. If I were to choose ten people, I would probably re-sign to see luck. I wouldn't be cruel to anyone. Isn't voting a way to push people to a cliff? It doesn't take much skill to reproduce, and I believe that as long as human beings exist, what we can do today, tomorrow we will find and find more that we didn't know before, this is the infinity of human beings.

Philosophy is to reality what masturbation is to sex.

This sentence is very interesting. To me, this sentence is very interesting, but I don’t understand it very well. Philosophy is the product of human progress, and masturbation is the product of human beings controlling their desires and even being forced by their needs. Philosophy and masturbation seem to be different. It's a good thing to discard. Philosophy is also a tool for us to better understand reality, isn't it? It is not necessary to choose one or the other to complement each other. We cannot change in reality, but the spirit is something that has space and no limitations.

Automatically ignore love triangles that you don't want to talk about.

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.