I love the "Edges and Corners" by Chef Burning

Hoyt 2022-03-27 09:01:09

First of all, let's popularize the knowledge of food: "Michelin Red Book" evaluates stars for French restaurants, and later for global restaurants. Restaurants appearing in the Michelin Guide must first obtain at least a pair of knife and fork marks, which are the basis of the guide's evaluation criteria for restaurants, ranging from the highest 5 to 1, indicating the comfort of the restaurant . This is based on the restaurant's hardware, furnishings, service, cleanliness and maintenance of the surrounding environment. Michelin stars, ranging from one star to a maximum of three, are mainly for the level of cooking.
The film depicts the Michelin jury with a strong stroke, and at the same time brings the plot to the climax, briefly introducing a Michelin jury to you.
Michelin inspectors are "assets" that are kept as closely guarded as the Michelin Star Guidelines. Each reviewer is anonymous and pays for all costs of the meal, with no one knowing the purpose of their meal except themselves. Not even the top executives of Michelin, which oversees the guides department, know who the reviewers are. Michelin's reviewers are very professional. If they are new reviewers, they will be trained by seniors for a long time and rigorously to ensure that they can use the Michelin Guide's globally consistent review standards before they can work independently.
The Michelin Guide is published once a year, so every restaurant that has been reviewed before has to be re-eaten throughout the year, but once is probably not enough. Michelin's evaluation must not only eliminate the personal errors of the reviewers, but also eliminate the deviations caused by chefs cooking at different times. In its published standard outline, there is a requirement for stability.
Basically, it may be a meal for two people, "one order set meal, the other a single order". In the case of a rare number of reviewers, only after tasting different dishes can they make a review and give a dish recommendation (except for the Michelin guide star rating) In addition, they will leave a review for the restaurant and recommend 4 signature dishes, although the reviews are often vague).
The story basically belongs to the old-fashioned prodigal son, a once brilliant chef, who came out with a little name, and then started to make it. To a certain extent, he suddenly woke up one day, got back on his feet, and fought the food industry again.
There are three things to watch in this film: food (in addition to the food, the Michelin star standard judges are also very interesting), handsome men, and a nice ending song: Fire by Barns Courtney. I hope my review is helpful to you.

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.