The so-called Best Friend

Colin 2022-03-25 09:01:11

Digression: First of all, strongly promote this drama. The most realistic drama I've ever seen, bar none. How realistic is that? The reality is that the year it is set is 2003, but no matter its story or the ideas to be expressed, it is not inappropriate to put it in 2017. The following topic. Personally, I think the cutest and most touching thing is what they say every time they wash their hands before surgery. Every sentence is plain, but every sentence is sincere. There are things Sean is afraid to say to Julia, that he doesn't want to say to Matt, and there are things that Christian won't say to his girls. But they will tell each other everything about themselves. No cover up. Sean is cautious and calm in front of others, but in front of Christian, he is the more manic one; Christian is debauched and powerful in front of others, but in front of Sean, he is the one who curls up and weeps. Sometimes they ignore each other because they are angry, and sometimes they hug each other happily and laugh non-stop. In front of others, they are calm plastic surgeons; but in the eyes of each other, they are like children, angry and cold and happy. Is it really all kinds of happy friends? By the way, my understanding of true friends has reached a new height. At the end of the eighth episode of the first season, Christian's story seems bloody, but Sean really does everything a true friend should do. Before, you may sometimes feel that Sean scolds Christian too much, it is too unreasonable, and he himself is not perfect. However, no one is perfect. He did it because it was a real love. It is because of care and love that he does not want Christian to fall. And the part where Sean left because of the mid-life crisis was also touching. A true friend will not take that so-called romantic dollar and gently tell you that you are doing the right thing, and you should do what you want. On the contrary, such a person will swallow everything behind you little by little. Too beautiful things are often not true, but hidden conspiracies behind them. A true friend is like Christian. One smashed the frame and viciously threatened Sean to freeze his account and end his contract if he didn't come back. That's what a true friend would do. Maybe this behavior seems to be tearing up Sean's dream, realistic and cold, but I have to say that behind this seemingly cold-blooded behavior, hidden is Christian's full care and love for Sean. This real concern is misunderstood by the audience. People swear that Christian is not a thing. However, whoever saw it, he attributed all the infamy to himself, and pushed all the success to Sean. Although Christian's ambiguity with Julia was annoying, even though Sean misunderstood Christian again and again, he didn't admit it, but. It is enough to have one friend in a lifetime, and to have a relationship with him/her like this couple's relationship. Maybe this is the so-called BFF. PS: I feel that NT is to show you the kindness of people first, and then throw out all the dark sides in a flash. So the three views that you have spent so many years developing are suddenly destroyed so easily. . . Sure enough, it is not a masterpiece that most people can accept. NT seems to be telling us that human nature is inherently evil. . . Speaking of which, the American fear is the same as this concept? It is indeed a masterpiece of bald head.

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Nip/Tuck quotes

  • Kimberly Henry: FYI, I met some movie producers who think I'm the bomb. They can't wait to get into the Kimber Henry business.

  • Gina Russo: My tits are ripe. And this blouse is silk, stains are forever. So, I need you to suck it up.

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