All kinds of suspenseful crime films with big coffee platters, but the plot editing is blurred.

Evie 2022-03-25 09:01:10

Brad Pitt, as well as all kinds of powerful and beautiful women, handsome guys as supporting roles for Fa Shark, this role of Pitt is still dead, and the way of death is very miserable! Every time Pitt has long hair and beards, the characters with short hair and no beards are really different from the movies. Movies with short hair are good movies. Black Heart Murder is more in line with this film, I feel that the film is a bit anticlimactic, and many of the plot directors in the back are so vague that many people don't understand it!

In fact, if such a big name hadn't participated in this movie and it was performed by an unknown actor, it would have been a bad movie! The directors are very good, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz, Bardem, Penelope, French Shark, look at this lineup, and the real big director, Ridley! As far as sauce's lineup is concerned, the plot has not been edited well, and the more he uses vague editing to create a suspenseful atmosphere, the less he feels

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The Counselor quotes

  • Malkina: Greed really takes you to the edge, doesn't it?

    Reiner: That's not what greed does. That's what greed is.

  • Counselor: I'm not sure you understand my position.

    Jefe: But I do, Counselor. Actions create consequences which produce new worlds, and they're all different.