This is also a divine drama~ (really divine!!)

Rocio 2022-11-18 11:43:03

I have also watched a lot of movies, and this movie is not the same style as I have seen before.
At the beginning, I thought it was a ghost or a biochemical weapon (I knew it was a real person after reading it), but with the combination of the male protagonist's high IQ level and in-depth knowledge, he came up with a breakthrough, such as God's help! The sacrifice of a few supporting characters is a bit of a pity (the plot needs it), but it seems that the plot is full. The decisive battle is a slow sense of technology, and technology is king!
At the end, when the male protagonist ends the lives of those victims, he still feels cold on his back. Thinking that he has no facial features, but he can still think about the situation~~~ Let's

not talk about it and take a look~

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Spectral quotes

  • Clyne: [about Sessions men gearing up again] They don't stop, do they?

    Fran Madison: I don't think they know how.

  • [at around 6:30 minutes a team of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency officials are observing a Lab test of a potential weapon for use on the battlefield]

    DoD official: Can you try this on living things?

    Dr. Mindala: That wasn't our intent here... initially.

    DoD official: We'd like you to test it.

    Clyne: Any volunteers?

    [several people around the lab chuckle under their breath]