My wish after watching this movie is: world peace

America 2022-03-25 09:01:14

One sister once read a story that a black driver took a white mother and son, and the child asked the mother, "Why does the driver's uncle's skin look different from ours?" The mother smiled and replied: "God, in order to make the world colorful, Created people of different colors." At the destination, the black driver refused to charge, he said: "When I was a child, I asked my mother the same question, but my mother said that we are black and destined to be inferior."

After reading this story, Sister Yi felt a lot of emotion. What makes Yijie more emotional is the movie "The Zookeeper's Wife" that Yijie recently watched. Similar to the above story, the film also tells about the value issue between race and life.

The film tells that during World War II, Warsaw was occupied by Nazi organizations, and the German army became like a demon under Hitler's rule, treating Jewish life like a must. They could end the precious lives of these people at will, as if, in their view, these Jews were destined to be inferior.

It was in such a chaotic social environment that the director of the Warsaw Zoo Yang and his wife Antonina took up the responsibility and mission of protecting the Jews. Because of Nazi Lutz Heck's passion for rare animals, the Warsaw Zoo has temporarily become the safest corner in this troubled world.

Here, the zoo director Yang and his wife Antonina take good care of the Jews; here, the zoo director Yang and his wife Antonina live in harmony with the animals. Seeing that these brutal animals can be gentle and gentle with people, we even have a cognitive bias, that is, the brutal and brutal beasts can still be domesticated, why accept the human beings of higher civilization, but become more bloody and distorted Woolen cloth?

What is even more ironic in the film is that the Nazis, who treated Jews brutally and violently, were kind and friendly to animals. For example, when a biologist did an experiment on earthworms, he forgot to give it anesthesia and was punished as a result. However, they never gave each other anesthesia or analgesia when they experimented with Jews in vivo. In their eyes, it seems that just because the Jews are different from their own race, they are the lowest and lowest species, even inferior to species such as snakes, rats, insects and ants.

But such a movie full of villains actually still has pictures that make us feel warm. Even in troubled times, Yang and Antonina will still create a good living atmosphere for their son. They will use their hugs, love, and soft words to keep their son away from the fear and harm of war.

The most amazing thing for Sister Yi is the acting skills of the two protagonists in this film. The actor who plays the zookeeper Young is Johann Heldenberg, who portrays a serious and loving zookeeper in three parts. He is silent, he is old-fashioned, but at the same time he is delicate and strong. Even if it is a thick-line man, Sister Yi is still very touched by his interpretation of Yang.

And it is Jessica Chastain who plays the principal's wife. The first sister still remembers that the movie "Ms. Sloan" she played was nominated for the best actress at the 74th Golden Globe Awards, although "Ms. Sloan" finally Failed to win this award, but in the heart of one sister, Jessica Chastain is well-deserved best actress.

In the film "The Zookeeper's Wife", Jessica Chastain also removed her toughness, independence, and ability, and turned into a graceful, natural, and loving housewife. In addition to being kind and kind to her son, she is also very patient and caring for the Jews who are hiding in the zoo. Not only will she take good care of their food, clothing, housing, and transportation, but she will also actively give them psychological counseling after they are brutally treated by the Nazis. She used her actions to explain to us what is brave and what is righteousness.

Before this, Sister Yi said countless times about the horror of war, but Sister Yi never said that the reason why war is terrible is because of the extinction of human nature, because of bloodthirsty and madness, because under the leadership of the devil, all people have changed. Become a tool of murder without a mind of its own.

Perhaps, for society, this is the real scary part of war.

If, now you ask Sister One, what is Sister One's wish? Sister Yi will tell you without hesitation - my wish is world peace!

The picture below is definitely not a brother-in-law~

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Extended Reading

The Zookeeper's Wife quotes

  • Antonina Zabinski: You can never tell who your enemies are, or who to trust. Maybe that's why I love animals so much. You look in their eyes, and you know exactly what's in their hearts. They're not like people.

  • Jan Zabinski: I was raised with these people. Gentile, Jewish. It didn't matter to my family. It never mattered to me.