False age of madness

Alta 2022-11-22 17:32:57

In 1928, after a decade of unprecedented prosperity, America was getting wilder. People call it the "Jazz Age". Rhythms were sliced, morals became more laissez-faire, and alcoholic beverages were cheaper. It is a time of diverse heroes and madcap stunts. They hang out in speakeasies and drink flashy social gatherings.

It is against this background that the story takes place, and Woody Allen begins to make it up in all seriousness:

A typical party was held at Mrs. Henry Burton Sutter's mansion on Long Island, with socialites and patrons of the arts. Politicians and poets mingled with the elite of high society, and one of the party guests was Scott Fitzgerald. He provided all the people of the future with a vision of the twenties.

Fitzgerald recorded Zelig. After multiple disappearances and mysterious appearances, Zelig was taken to Manhattan Hospital as a mental patient.

Eudora Fletcher becomes Zelig's doctor. Zeliger claimed to have worked with Freud as a psychiatrist. The doctor who predicted he had a brain tumor died of it himself. Eudora Fletcher thinks he has a mental illness. Pass the hypnosis test.

Later, Eudora Fletcher wondered why Zelig had become this way, and Zelig confessed after being hypnotized for safety: " I want to be popular ." When a person loses himself, he is the least likely to be loved; the more he wants to be popular, the more careful he is to live. The nation began to report on the chameleon-like Zeliger, and Fletcher initially just wanted to take advantage of the fire. When she really became famous, she found that she had fallen in love with Zeliger. The interview with Fletcher's mother in the play is also very interesting, and Woody Allen made fun of the political correctness of the report. People always say good things in front of the camera. A child's success does not necessarily mean that he has grown up from childhood to adulthood. A person who eventually becomes a scientist may have a hobby of pulling girls' skirts when they were young.

And while Zelig was warmly welcomed by Americans, Zelig became a ready-made injustice in the eyes of the fanatics. " This man is the incarnation of the capitalist. By changing different shapes to achieve their goals, by deceiving and exploiting our workers. " For the KKK, the Jewish Zelig can turn himself into a black or an Indian, so there is a triple threat. Of course, this is not without reason. Zelig became a chameleon, people depended on him for fun, when he was with fat people he became fat, and when he was with black people he became black.

Despite the non-stop performances and parties, his own existence has become non-existence, without personality, his human characteristics have long been lost in the clutter and involuntary life. He would often sit alone, staring silently into the air, and he became a zero, an inhuman, a monster who could only perform. He originally only hoped to fit in and integrate into the environment, so that he would not attract the attention of his enemies and would be welcomed by people, but he did not fit in and integrate into the environment. Instead, he was monitored by many enemies. But not to care about him. "

Zelig disappeared, and the news initially shook the world, but it wasn't long before the thrill-hungry public became indifferent. New scandals cropped up and made headlines. Everything in the "Jazz Age" was short-lived, like Red Grange (the greatest football player, but only had one season with the New York Yankees), people were distracted by all kinds of entertainment, so also It's easy to forget. Andy Warhol said: In the future, everyone can be famous for fifteen minutes.

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Zelig quotes

  • Leonard Zelig: [in a hypnotic trance] My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.

  • Leonard Zelig: I'm 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life... But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.