Everyone's life is not easy, don't give bad reviews easily!

Edmund 2022-03-27 09:01:12

Don't judge others with a single value standard, even if he is just a child. There are no villains in the show, but everyone makes different mistakes for some reason. The consistently realistic Iranian films, with a little patience, are still very scenic and intriguing. For me in the 1970s, I can often find the shadow of my childhood life through the Iran through the lens.

Remarriage, especially for those who have children, can never avoid facing their various pasts.

In each of us, we will unnaturally remember those entanglements that have no answers for ourselves, and these entanglements will keep circling in our minds repeatedly, urging you to work hard to find the answers, not in the Come out at a critical moment to influence your decision. It is not only the parties who bring entanglement to remarriage, but also exes, family members and friends. There are not many characters in this play (the female protagonist, the first male, the second male, three children, illegal workers, a good friend and a couple who open a restaurant, the second male wife), and everyone is involved in the marriage replacement of the three protagonists, so The entanglement in their hearts that only belongs to them makes them all make irreversible mistakes. The ending of the drama seems to be open, but in fact it is helpless. The problem needs attention but life has to go on.

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The Past quotes

  • Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.

  • Fouad: Why don't they separate her from medical instruments?

    Samir: Because they don't know if she wants to live with them or die.

    Fouad: She wants to die.

    Samir: Why do you say that?

    Fouad: She wants to die. That's why she committed suicide!