when the wind blows

Garett 2022-11-01 16:33:18

This is a love story about the love of an old couple. But in fact, I can clearly feel that this is a satire of the Cold War, an opposition to nuclear weapons, and an indictment of war. It's flat and even warm, but it shows a very heavy weight.
80 minutes is the conversation and daily life of an old couple. It's almost dull, but I can't help but envy their "boring". There is someone who can accompany you all the time, call you dear, comfort you, and encourage you. , know each other until the moment of death. The old woman blows away dandelions in the backyard, looks into the distance, and recalls the romance of her youth wherever her eyes fall, which is really embarrassing. In fact, happiness is where the hand can reach.
A very serious animation, imagining the impact of nuclear weapons on an old couple after the start of the Third World War, and the non-combat mentality after World War II, what I see is a kind of helplessness, coldness and cruelty.

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When the Wind Blows quotes

  • Jim: We must keep abreast of the international situation, Love. See, the decisions made by the powers-that-be will get to us in the end.

  • Hilda: Ooh, it's stuffy in these bags.

    Jim: Now you know what it feels like to be a potato.

    Hilda: [chuckles] I should hate that, being buried in the ground.

    Jim: Oh yes, so would I, give me cremation every time.

    Hilda: Oh me too.