Inspired by a teenage manga of the same name, "Listening to the Side" is directed by Kondo Yoshifumi, who has collaborated with Hayao Miyazaki for nearly 20 years and served as a drawing supervisor in many works of Studio Ghibli. The character movements and backgrounds in this work are completely realistic, and the background sound effects use Dolby Digital Surround Sound Technology. The world imagined by Tsukishima Fu in the film is based on the series of art works "イバラ-ド" by Naohisa Inoue, a famous Japanese painter.
Although Hayao Miyazaki did not serve as a supervisor in the production of the film "Listening to the Side", but through his work as a screenwriter and producer, the film also reflects his philosophy to a certain extent. All of Miyazaki's works are constantly discussing the power of the mind and the power of personality. In "Nausicaa", Nausicaa is undoubtedly the sustenance of the hearts of the people in the valley, and a leader they can rely on. In "City in the Sky," Shita's psychic powers eventually triumph over Muska's guns. In "My Neighbor Totoro", only the innocent heart of a child can see the appearance of Totoro. In "The Witch's Delivery Service", Qiqi has gone through the process of exercising her soul in order to live alone. There are many more such examples.
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