We are all diet men and women

Lillian 2022-03-25 09:01:16

I saw this film in a film director class, and the series of kitchen scenes at the beginning caught my eye. Through the lens description of a complete set of kitchen utensils, large and small, and Master Zhu's cooking proficiency, the audience instantly understands the protagonist's cooking skills.

It is a pity that this chef who can do state banquets has conquered thousands of customers but failed to grab the stomachs of his three daughters with delicious food. His three daughters have their own concerns, and the routine family dinner every weekend has turned into an unpleasant farewell feast. The daughters use the time of the dinner to express their plans, and they want to leave the house and become fathers after leaving this place. And become the father who raised them. The dishes on the table with all the colors and aromas turned into shackles and shackles. Makes me feel sorry. Isn't this a true portrayal of many families in modern society?

The women's college didn't stay, but fortunately there was a funny "reversal" at the end. Old Man Zhu, who was always thought to be the boss with Aunt Wu, actually announced during the banquet that he wanted to be with her daughter and be the father of her grandson, which made people laugh and cry. But this kind of treatment finally gave old man Zhu a new sustenance, so that the ending would not be too bleak.

However, in real life, the father Zhu, who is mostly forgotten by his children, is not so lucky. I hope that people who have watched this movie can think of their parents and treat them well. After all, without them, there would be no you today.

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Eat Drink Man Woman quotes

  • Old Wen: Old Chu, do'nt get upset. Girls eventually leave home. It was bound to happen.

    Chu: I'm not upset. I hope they all move out, so I can have a quiet life.

    Old Wen: Quiet life? I know you. What you want, you can't get. What you don't want, you can't get rid of. You're as repressed as a turtle. That old maid of yours, Jia-Jen, will stick to you for life unless you marry her off!

    Chu: Marry who? Since she lost her asshole college boyfriend she's never looked at another man. You know that.

    Old Wen: And now she has the perfect boyfriend: Jesus Christ.

    Chu: Don't make fun of her religion! How is it that for 30 years I have put up this kind of talk from you?

    Old Wen: The truth is, you should be thankful someone's around to tell the truth.

  • Chu: I don't understand any of them, and I don't want to know. Let them grow up and leave. It's like cooking. Your appetite's gone when the dish is done.

    Old Wen: That's not the worst thing. At least people like your cooking.

    Chu: Honestly, Id' have to give that up if it hadn't been for you lately. My sense of taste is getting worse and worse. My food is only as good as the expression on your face.

    Old Wen: Don't be silly. You rely on your feelings when you cook, not your taste buds. Like that Western deaf composer, called Bee...

    Chu: Beethoven.

    Old Wen: That's right, Beethoven. Good sound is not in the ear, good taste is not in the mouth...and good sex...


    Old Wen: God knows where!

    Chu: You're drunk!