How to distinguish between true and false

Leonel 2022-12-14 23:57:07

"DARKER THAN BLACK -Black Contractor-" is an original TV animation work produced by the Japanese animation company BONES. The animation plot revolves around superpowers and espionage activities. The stage of the story is set in the bustling and bustling city-Tokyo. The impenetrable realm known as Hell's Gate has suddenly appeared in Tokyo. The real starry sky disappeared, replaced by false stars. Superhuman beings called "Contractors" began to appear all over the world. These are the emotions of ordinary human beings who have lost their impulses, and only act according to "reasonableness". Around the mystery of the "door", the forces of various countries and the contractors launched a desperate struggle for interests.
0 years ago, an unknown area with a diameter of 10 kilometers was formed by the mysterious beam penetrating the earth, and the space beyond the stratosphere became an inviolable area. All celestial bodies except the sun disappeared from the sky, and the night sky was replaced by "false stars".
The two "gates" are the "Gate of Heaven" located on the plateaus of South America and Brazil and the "Gate of Hell" in Tokyo, Japan.
The "door" leads to the appearance of the Contractor and Doll, and produces a variety of mysterious substances and species. Its interior is filled with special particles ("gate" particles), a dead zone where various physical phenomena are distorted.
The material flowing out of the "gate" and its derived technologies have a profound impact on human society, and are also coveted by countries as extremely important resources.
The struggle over the "gate" led to the war in South America, and Japan handed over the sovereignty of the "Gate of Hell" to the United Nations to avoid the scourge of war.
Five years ago, the "Gate of Heaven" had been surrounded by an isolated area with a radius of 1,500 kilometers, and only the "Gate of Hell" could be touched by humans. The latter is also protected by a huge 500-meter-high wall from which ordinary people cannot enter. Research has confirmed that once the door is eliminated, all contractors on earth will also disappear.
The appearance and mutation of the "gate" were predicted by Mitaka 50 years ago. With the completion of the Ark project (replicating the earth), the "gate to hell" also opened.
Who and for what purpose created the "door", and what came out of the door, people have no way of knowing. Only the existence of the "door" indicates the beginning of something many years later, and it is also the beginning of the end of the world.

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