Efforts to whitewash travel notes, in the name of that liar

Thurman 2022-10-07 06:55:59

The story made up by the liar who wrote the travelogue has long been unable to withstand scrutiny. In that yy travelogue. An Italian was admired by the Mongolian Khan because of his identity, and was treated as a guest. This is a bit too ridiculous, the Mongols have already hit Central Asia as a nomadic people. Haven't they seen the Caucasians? In fact, they appointed a lot of Semu people, including Muslims. A few European Christians would be of interest to the conquerors, but only interested.

The screenwriter of this TV should say that he just borrowed a name from a legend. Trying to construct a man named Marco Polo, how can it rationalize the favor in the Mongolian court. The story is more complete. Of course, the story that the princess of the East likes the European servant is loved by Europeans and Americans, so it must be kept.

This story has been denounced as untrue by so many Chinese people, it is indeed an injustice! When did Marco Polo's travels come true?

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