I want a willful choice

Marcelle 2022-03-27 09:01:16

This film was recommended by Mr. Ma Zhe, and there must be many people who watch the film for the same reason as me. At first, I thought to read the movie reviews, and then just excerpted a few sentences and submitted them, but I found that I couldn't understand them...

So I watched it honestly from start to finish, and to be honest, I really liked the film, even though the subject matter was so incomprehensible and unusual, I didn't have any impatience or impatience while watching it. Disliked moment. Yes, I am someone who can watch a movie in five seconds. If you encounter a star you don't like, skip it; if you encounter a vulgar plot, skip it!

This film is very new, it runs through virtual and reality, and the visual effects and concept are very good. The example given in it - the trolley problem, my logic teacher also talked about it. At the time, he asked which choice would we make? I raised my hand in agreement and let the tram run on its normal track without making any choice. It's cruel, yes, but I think it's even more cruel to make another choice, whether it's driving to another person or overthrowing the fat man, this is a more reasonable choice that we make rational analysis, but, is the fat man still Is there someone wrong? Since there is nothing wrong, why should he die instead of the other five people? Since no matter how it changes, it will be condemned by public opinion, so why not just go with the flow and go with the flow?

In this film, three assumptions are made. The first is to let each classmate randomly select a profession, and then ask the classmates to select 10 people who are most qualified to hide in the shelter from a comparison of 21 races. There is no doubt that, according to the usual thinking, whoever is useful will stay. They did the same, but shut out the most useful teacher, the Mysterious Man. They paid for their choice, and a year later, they found out that they didn't know the code to open the door, so they died at the door before these "useful people" could make a difference.

The second hypothesis is that the teacher adds another value or bad luck behind each profession, the carpenter is useful, but he suffers from infertility; the electrician is useful, but he has progressive musculoskeletal disease; The farmer is useful, but he's gay; the estate agent is useless, but he's a midwife. So, this time the candidates eligible to enter the shelter have changed, and the once unanimous orthopaedic surgeon was unanimously rejected because he may have Ebola virus.

Their values ​​are still the same, supplemented by the added value of each profession, and the value that can be created for them is the main choice. It can be said that they are still quite rational, even if they are selected for the first time. , once they may become worthless or even threaten themselves, they will be cruelly abandoned. Just like the man on the rails, he was not worth as much as five others, so he was abandoned.

Maybe so far, there are still many people who think that this should be the choice, but the heroine's point of view is completely different from it. Many previously abandoned professions, such as poets, such as room attendants, such as harp players, such as artisanal ice cream pastry chefs.

The outcome of the three hypotheses is death. Therefore, I agree with a point of view, which is also the point of view of the author in a book review I read. He believes that this is a film about pure reason and pure sensibility. The result of pure reason is death, and the same is true of pure sensibility. bring destruction. Between pure reason and pure sensibility, there should be an intermediate point. They are interrelated. You cannot completely isolate them. We need sensibility and reason.

In fact, there is no right or wrong philosophy. We each have our own opinions. The trolley problem will be debated at any time, but poets should not be rejected so quickly. Philosophy is in a position of being abandoned all the time. It may be more suitable for us to feel and study on the premise of ensuring world peace and not worrying about the safety of our own lives. The teacher is nothing more than lonely, but fortunately, the ending did not clearly indicate that the teacher committed suicide. Fortunately, philosophy is still lingering.

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.