. . . . .

Olen 2022-06-28 15:31:25

"Guardians of the Galaxy" tells the story of Ricky, an orphan who lives on an alien planet, eager to join the Guardians of the Galaxy and become a much-anticipated superhero. In the process of training and fighting, he fought side by side with the robot Dingdong and grew up together. Not only did he successfully prevent the terrifying conspiracy of Doctor Evil to destroy the galaxy, but he also realized the value of friendship, the infinite energy of unity and the true meaning of heroes. . . . . .

Just look at it for everyone, look at it again, and look at it again? hahahahaha

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Extended Reading

Ratchet & Clank quotes

  • Cora: Got a long line of citations here. Possession of an illegal gravity repulsor?

    Ratchet: Oh, that was a misunderstanding. I thought that space pirate was on the level.

    Brax: Operation of a black market accelerator?

    Ratchet: Operation is a strong word. It blew up as soon as I turned it on!

    Cora: Willful disruption of the space-time continuum?

    Ratchet: THAT is a funny story...

    Qwark: You're reckless! You're a loose cannon! And you're dangerous! That's MY shtick!

    Ratchet: Wait! Just gimme a chance!

    Qwark: Sorry, no time! Galaxy in jeopardy! Get back out there, and remember, you can do anything - as long as you're me! NEXT!

  • Clank: Ratchet, we are clearly not prepared for this. We should have contacted the rangers to warn them of the attack!

    Ratchet: Haha! Yeah, like they'd know who we are!

    Clank: But you said they were your friends!

    Ratchet: ...Whaaaaat? I think you're quoting me out of context.

    Clank: [Playing recording of Ratchet's voice] The rangers are actually my, uh, friends!

    Ratchet: Do you record everything I say?

    Clank: [Playing recording of Ratchet's voice] Do you record everything I say?