The life cycle of three weeks and two days in April is a portrayal of women's own destiny under the times

Kassandra 2022-03-25 09:01:11

The film takes place in one day. Ottila, a female college student, secretly buys smuggled cigarettes, food, soap in the school dormitory, borrows money from her boyfriend, and prepares secret activities with her roommate Gabita. Gabita became pregnant, and abortion was illegal in Romania at the time. They found a man named Mr.Bebe to have an abortion in private, and a nightmare began. In the cheap hotel that Ottila found after many twists and turns, Mr.Bebe threatened not only money, but also Ottila's body. Ottila, who had no choice, had no choice but to satisfy Mr.Bebe's request, and helped Gabita dispose of the fetus's body, which she threw into the trash can in the strange corridor. After all the fear and anxiety was over, the two girls sat in the hotel dining room, waiting in silence for their dinner. Not far away, there is a hilarious scene of a wedding banquet. And on this day, Gabita was pregnant for three weeks and two days in April.

April, three weeks and two days is the number of days in the lifespan of a fetus, a cycle from a life in the body to a pile of stillbirths, a period of time from the hope of love and marriage to discarded garbage. The fetus in the long shot, wrapped in that towel and on the bathroom floor, used to develop, breathe and grow inside the mother, but now it's a bloody mass, and it's not Its final ending, on a cold, dark winter night, was put in a plastic bag, put in a bag, and thrown into a trash can in an unfamiliar hallway in a state of panic, restlessness, and panting.

"Did you bury it?" When Gabita, who was sitting at the hotel table, asked Ottila, she still hoped that in a kind way, the life that had just fallen from her body would have a less bad end. , Ottila didn't answer her directly, just picked up a glass of boiled water and said, "We won't discuss this matter in the future." It wasn't buried in the soil, but was thrown into a trash can in an unfamiliar corridor. Ottila doesn't want to mention the fate of a fetus anymore. For her, this kind of sneaky ending is a helpless and compromised life. In fact, such a helpless life, such a life cycle of three weeks and two days in April, is also like a portrayal of the cruel fate of women in the times.

In Romania, where abortion is prohibited, female college students who have not yet graduated have an unintended pregnancy, and will face pressure from society to give birth or not to give birth to a child. There is no way out. So she had to choose to be in a hotel, had to find a doctor who had an illegal abortion, had to perform the abortion in secrecy. Whether it is the pain of unmarried pregnancy or the harm of illegal abortion, there is a powerful institutional machine behind it, a society of power represented by socialism and patriarchy. It is precisely because Gabita was abandoned by her boyfriend that she could not become a mother who gave birth to a normal life, so she must bear the consequences of irresponsible men, and her lack of awareness of prevention and indifference also show that women are in a passive position. So from the origin of the fetus, it is the product of male domination.

Ottila entered the hotel from the school and entered the family. In fact, she entered the unfair system of society as a weak person, and entered the law controlled by power. If she wanted to buy cigarettes, she had to turn to the black market, and she had to take the bus from others. She has to accept the scorn from the ticket inspector when she has more tickets. She needs to bribe a box of smuggled cigarettes to book a hotel room, and she has to accept the arrogant attitude of the waiter. At her boyfriend's house, many topics at the dinner table are all unreasonable. Refraction of society, such as joining the party requires relationships, students give fish to teachers, and it takes three hours to queue up to buy pork. For example, there are hidden indicators in graduation assignments, such as boyfriends being exempted from military service because of their father’s relationship... A society dominated by power, and Ottila and Gabita seem to have nothing but a hotel room, under the coercion of a strange man, and sacrifice money and body for an abortion.

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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.