In the film "Dogface Years", the little boy Ingmar and his frail mother often bully their brother and their beloved puppy and live in a peaceful town in Sweden. His father left home, and his mother suffered from illness for many years. The two little boys couldn't get along at all, and they often fought violently at home. The overwhelmed mother decided to send them to relatives for foster care. Ingmar, who was driven out of the house like a puppy, saw another vast sky... The dog was sent away and then died. The dog is synonymous with misfortune, pain, neglect, and damage. The metaphor of dog face Unwilling to face the unfortunate psychology of refusing to grow. No one can refuse to grow up. Yingma grew up naturally and freely in the vast and fresh world of the countryside with a group of simple, enthusiastic, forthright and sincere people without barbarism and depression, which is fortunate.
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