water knife

Stella 2022-03-25 09:01:15

- Roman Polanski

Some people say that Roman Polanski's films are always filled with bone-chilling coldness and loneliness. His miserable childhood destroyed the original purity and innocence of this world. Some people say that his films are full of obscurity and pessimism. His unique Jewish characteristics and experiences and the tragic life experience in the concentration camp made him only suffer the pain of life and feel the despicableness of human nature. Some people say that he was once a suspect of seducing young children, and his cold heart has been filled with hatred and madness after more than 100 knife marks left on his wife's eight-month pregnancy. Others say that he is a deep digger of human nature, and he awakens people to a thorough understanding of the world with a voice like a cry in a nightmare.

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Knife in the Water quotes

  • Andrzej: When I was an apprentice helmsman, we had a bosun - Krystyna, what was his name? The guy with the willow. He'd say: see that willow? It was an oak. If the bosun says it's a willow, it's a willow. "To the willow, quick march!"

    Young Boy: Shit. Excuse me. So much water in there.

    Andrzej: We'd sit on that willow maybe an hour at a time.

    Young Boy: On that oak.

    Andrzej: Willow, for us. And he made us go "cuckoo".

    Young Boy: Made you do what?

    Andrzej: Make a cuckoo sound. Like the bird.

    Young Boy: And you cuckooed.

    Andrzej: He wasn't all that smart but he turned us into men.

  • Andrzej: Better get back to that line.

    Young Man: Who are you ordering around?

    Andrzej: If two men are on board, one's the skipper.

    Young Man: Or the drill sergeant.