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The heroic history of ordinary people
Lola 2022-03-25 09:01:10
Billy Cranston: Wait, wait, wait! Can I ask a question? Are we really superheroes? Like are we more like Iron Man or Spider-Man? 'Cause I feel like I been bit by a spider, but I feel really good, you know, not as...
Zack Taylor: All right, look, bro, trust me, you're not a superhero.
Trini: Why are you talking to us like you're the boss now?
Kimberly Hart: Hey, hold up. Can any of this Rita stuff be real? Can any of this be true.
Jason Lee Scott: I don't know. But I know that the answer to what's wrong with us and to what's happening to us is here.
Trini: So what are you saying?
Jason Lee Scott: I think we gotta come back.
Zordon: These are them? They are so small.
Alpha 5: Funny, I said the same thing.
Zordon: You mean to tell me that the fate of the universe, is placed in the hands of these children?
Zack Taylor: The universe? That's a big place.
Alpha 5: They're teenagers, somewhere between infancy and full maturity. It's hard to explain, really.