The real boss is a fake wife

Cara 2022-03-29 09:01:06

The most terrifying thing is that the fake wife doesn't love the fake husband anymore (after the fake husband fainted, the fake wife's first reaction turned out to be a smile), so when things are out of control (the real husband) She is too rational and smart to fall into the "trap" and is bewitched by her), trying to find a way to escape from here, so she will kiss the fake husband while pretending to be the real wife (the part where the fake husband confesses to the real wife) Showing a "very sad" look (from her previous performance, her acting skills can actually be mixed, but she deliberately revealed that she is not a real wife), it can be seen that her purpose is to provoke between real and fake husbands Contradiction, so as to escape the Jedi smoothly. Another point worth noting is that when the fake wife cooked for the real husband for the first time, she knew that the real wife did not like the real husband to eat bacon. In the end, the fake wife said that she would make bacon for the real husband, which means that She no longer cares whether the real husband knows she is fake, everything is under control (for example, she has confirmed or completed the transformation of the real husband and fell in love with her?).

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The One I Love quotes

  • [first lines]

    Ethan: [retelling] So, we met at a party, and... it was magic. Within a half-hour we were driving up into this really nice neighborhood, and we were running down the stairs of some strangers back yard, and then we were swimming, and we were in love. What we didn't count on was that even though the lights were off, the owner of the home was there. And he came out screaming at us, and it was the greatest night of my life.

    Ethan: Ready?

    EthanSophie: [they run and jump into the pool]

    Ethan: [continuing his story] So me idea was, you know, let's try and re-create that moment.

  • [Ethan and Sophie sneak into a swimming pool]

    Sophie: Do you think he's coming out?

    Ethan: I'm sure. I'm sure. He heard us, right?

    [Calling for house owner]

    Ethan: Hello?

    [to Sophie]

    Ethan: This is fun. Where is he?

    Sophie: Maybe he's not home.

    Ethan: Happy anniversary anyway.