Beauty without knowing it, is it really the highest state of beauty?

Adela 2022-09-08 11:18:07

When it comes to Marilyn Monroe, one of the most famous pictures of her comes to mind, of her white tulle skirt blown up by an underground vent, her hands futilely covering the upturned hem. More unforgettable than her perfect body curve is her closed eyes but still a real bright smile, not too shy and embarrassing, instead, it is bold and charming.

She's the most irreplaceable stunner in the world, and they say she's Hollywood's first sultry actress, a title that has remained untouched ever since. This is the first impression of Monroe, with golden curly hair, fair skin, red lips, and a frown that makes people crazy.

But under her beautiful skin, there is also a cat-like gaze that is affectionate and fragile, which makes people feel distressed and itchy. She is the joy of a young girl's youth, like an unripe green apple, full and sweet, but people can't bear to bite it, she would rather wait, care and look forward to her gradual maturity while waiting.

She is also a mature woman with a charming charm, provocative eyes and gestures, lively and full of life, and she can always use her beauty appropriately to make people surrender. As long as she appeared, no one, male or female, could take their eyes off her.

This kind of beauty is unpredictable, she can naturally wander between the innocent innocence and the familiar ingratiating. Sweet as honey, strong as arsenic.

Today's film is about a more three-dimensional Monroe under the sexy label, called "My Week with Monroe".

The film tells the story of Colin, a boy with a movie dream, who ran away from his big family and came to the film studio to successfully seek an assistant position. During this period, Monroe came to the United Kingdom and collaborated with Lawrence, the most famous actor in the United Kingdom at that time, but began to decline gradually.

In "You Dragon and Phoenix", everyone, with their own ambitions and dreams, is approaching and pressing step by step. At this time, Monroe, who is always self-doubt and vulnerable and sensitive, is in the torment and struggle of collapse. , caught the pure and warm young Colin who fell in love with her, and developed a dewy relationship with him.

This was the week that Monroe and Colin spent, and for Colin, this week, throughout his life.

This is the perfect first love for a boy

Colin, played by Little Freckles, was born in a prestigious family and has a strict family education, but he has a soft spot for movies. A person came to London alone, and with his stubborn persistence and intelligent hard work, he finally sought the position of "third director", that is, a handyman. He just came to the film studio, with enthusiasm and curiosity, hard exploration, and enthusiastic work. He fell in love with the clothing store girl played by Emma. In the small bar on Saturday night, the two danced enthusiastically together. Emma asked her, "Do you think Monroe is beautiful?" Colin replied, "I can't get along with her. compared to you."

It should have been his young first love, dancing a lively dance with a sunny and clean girl, and secretly kissing under the cover of clothes from a clothing store. Until Marilyn Monroe "discovered" him.

As an unknown little assistant, Colin was almost "transparent" in front of Monroe. Every time she appeared, Colin stared at her fascinatedly, full of tenderness and affection. To him, Monroe is a goddess who is out of reach and high above, and can only be seen from a distance. The turning point of the matter appeared when Colin went to Monroe's apartment to help her find the script. Monroe, who had just taken a bath, stood naked in front of Colin, and she naturally took off her head scarf and wrapped herself in front of him. His body was not flustered at all, but it made Colin confused.

Monroe was often late on the set, her simple lines always had to be repeated several times to succeed, and she was fragile and sensitive and had to rest at every turn to restore her energy, but everyone still loved her. Except for Lawrence, Lawrence wanted to use Monroe to regain his vitality and reputation, but it backfired, making him furious, but he was helpless to her. But on the other hand, he still admires Monroe, acknowledging her innate potential for greatness. He can only send his assistant Colin to care about Monroe's situation.

In Monroe's residence, Colin saw her wanting to cry without tears and listless several times. He hid in the corner, watching the quarrel between their husband and wife, and in the end, he could only slip away helplessly. But she is Monroe, how could she not know that she has such a charm that can make a boy fascinated.

Monroe called Colin to her private residence and asked which side he was on? On Lawrence's side, or on his own side? Then she skips work, hides in the back seat of the car, and lets her driver pick up Colin for a wildly romantic elopement.

She told Colin, "I haven't had a formal date since I was 13. I hope today is a romantic date." She came to Colin's high school, surrounded by a group of boys, to the British Castle, looking at the miniature dollhouse, said to Colin, "This is our child." She stripped naked and jumped into the icy lake, where she began to swim and play.

Colin became her most trusted and only dependant when she was emotionally broken down. Colin's unhesitating warmth and company can melt her cold and wet heart, make her feel at ease, and make her feel at ease.

Unfortunately, it was a short-lived carnival. As the filming of "You Long Xi Feng" gradually came to an end, Monroe had an accidental miscarriage, which was also doomed to their mutual final outcome. Monroe said to Colin, we will stop here. From now on, I will Be a good wife to Miller.

This is a woman's first wish

Monroe, who came to England, brought her new husband, Arthur Miller, to her third marriage. She had believed that this marriage would bring her happiness, until she looked at Arthur's notes, which recorded many more secret but non-positive feelings about Monroe. "They all looked right at the beginning," she said .

And Arthur, after being disheartened, left Monroe in England and returned to the United States alone. Before leaving, in a conversation with Lawrence, he said, "I feel like she's eating me up."

Just as we can never wake a person who is pretending to be asleep, perhaps, neither a moth-to-fire love nor a crystal-clear love can save an obsessively attached person.

Arthur Miller was the moth to the flames for her. He asked her to write "this moment is forever" on their wedding rings , and in Monroe's uneasy moments, he held her hand and stayed by her side, telling her how radiant she was, Brilliant.

And Colin was the one who gave her the most pure and complete love.

Monroe ended the filming of the movie, and before leaving England, she came to the shabby hotel where Colin lived, asked him to buy himself a glass of wine, put him in the car, left a last kiss, and said to him, "Don't let me Forget" , Colin replied, "as if I could forget" .

At the end of the film, Colin was lying on the chair in the theater, staring affectionately at Monroe on the screen, watching her singing and dancing freely in the camera, his eyes seemed to stay on that moment forever.

"I just wanted to be loved like a normal girl," Monroe said .

And she has already been loved all over the world, but she still can't feel loved.

When she was late on the set, Sybil, who had been waiting for a long time, was not angry, but stood by her and criticized Lawrence for being harsh to her, and Lawrence's wife Vivien Leigh, even if she was jealous, still praised her.

No matter how many compliments she heard, she always felt that she was worthless.

She indulged in this "beautiful without knowing it" depression.

She thinks that everyone just loves her skin, loves Marilyn Monroe, and when someone sees the real her, they run away. In her heart, she simply did not believe that she was worthy of love , and when separation did come, it only deepened the example that was already in her heart.

She oscillates back and forth between constantly giving and emptying herself and constantly taking and filling herself.

She was afraid of being abandoned, and she kept them all by her side with the protective color of fear and fragility. But in the end, because of their own indulgence and anxiety, one by one, they lost them.

In the film, Lawrence once said to Colin, who was trapped in it, "She doesn't need anyone to save her."

The love of obsessive attachment is a kind of devotion, both to oneself and to each other. But the most perfect love cannot achieve the fusion of two as one. No one can truly fill the endless void within them, only they can.

For Monroe, what she needs to face is the child who had been strangled to death by her mentally ill mother since she was born. She spent her entire childhood in anxiety, and this anxiety is closely related to her self. Denial has accompanied her throughout her life.

She grabbed something desperately, crazily crazily, from Arthur Miller, Colin, and later Kennedy, but perhaps never faced the deepest pain hidden deep in her heart, that is The pain of abandonment and hatred of those who have been given their lives.

She has always been a traveler wandering in pursuit of love. And he could only stare into her eyes.

"What impresses me the most is her embrace, her trust, and the joy she brings, which is her gift. Whenever I think of her, I always think of the time when my dream came true."

"How do you part, still wandering traveller

How to let fate be fate

How to stare at fate and see every look in our eyes"

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.