Tears ran

Kamryn 2022-03-27 09:01:23

It was the first time I watched a cartoon and saw tears running, and I was very sad, so first of all, I reminded everyone to bring facial tissues. The whole movie still revolves around small groups fighting wits and courage with the boss, interspersed with countless adventures, stimulating humor and warmth, and there are many small contradictions, but they are all resolved by love in the end. Although the plot is old-fashioned, it is quite interesting to watch. However, just when I felt that the plot was flat, the bright spot appeared. It was a shocking reversal that I could not imagine. The audience, men, women and children, were crying. I felt that if the ending wasn't a happy ending, I would be lost in the movie theater. That part was so heart-wrenching. Fortunately, the ending was pretty good, and it broke my heart. The Easter egg after the last subtitle is also very interesting, and it ends with a vertical middle finger, which is very creative. In short, a very good cartoon, the focus is all on the second half, so if you think the first half of the plot is cliché, I suggest you must watch it, just sauce.

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Smurfs: The Lost Village quotes

  • Clumsy Smurf: What does this thing do?

    Brainy Smurf: I wouldn't touch it if I were you.

    Clumsy Smurf: Oh, now all l want to do is touch it.

  • Brainy Smurf: Hefty, bring me some firewood.

    Hefty Smurf: A little "please" would be nice.

    Brainy Smurf: Yes, it would, but I haven't got my politeness badge yet, so there you go.