Send Dad the last ride

Lesly 2022-03-25 09:01:15

The siblings sent their father to a nursing home, full of self-blame. The old man was like a piece of luggage, sitting on a cart and being pulled into the aircraft cabin. They are guilty: He takes care of us better than we take care of him. The poisonous-tongued brother sneered at the younger sister and said that the change of place was just to soothe your guilt, and the beautiful scenery of the nursing home was just to hide the fact that people always die. I was jealous that my sister applied for the creation fund, and found out that it was fake. I was very happy. During the quarrel between the siblings, my father was very sad. The old man likes potatoes, and that may be the only consolation. The caregiver said that the downward bending of the toes was a sign of the soul gradually leaving the body. Xie Ding's lover is also quite good, and said thoughtfully: If you want to return to an unhealthy, compromised relationship, you will call me.

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The Savages quotes

  • [watching a silent movie; a woman walks onscreen]

    Lenny Savage: See, she's making me my dinner!

  • [watching a movie]

    Lenny Savage: That son of a bitch was always picking on me.