Allah's water

Zola 2022-03-25 09:01:23

1. Water, water is a dangerous thing in this film. Every time the boy approaches the water, there is a feeling that his life will be threatened. 2. The father-son relationship, the father's eyes when picking up the child from school and the boy's reaction , from which we can see the crack in the relationship between father and son. His father wanted to abandon him, but he did not trust his father's first water. On the way back to the village by the river, although the lens tone was warm and the water was very clear, just The whole is a warm scene, but with a quick advance shot, it feels like something will happen, giving a delusion that a father will push him into the water. The second water, relatively speaking, is relatively weak, and it gives a kind of father It still feels like it will get him into the sea, it will still make him die, and I also gave my father several close-ups. The expression on my father's face is still intriguing. The third time, when my father went to pick him up, It was an omen that the relationship between father and son was improving. When he fell into the water, the father was very entangled and conflicted, but in the end he jumped into the water to save him. In the end, the child was in the father's arms and woke up. From the broken father-son relationship presented at the beginning of the film to the end of the film when the father is holding the child and the child is about to wake up, the rift can be repaired. This broken and split father-son relationship has been repaired. The film is not a departure from the family. The whole film revolves around the center of the family, and this center is finally complete.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.