Jung: It's generally thought to be the man who should take the initiative.
Sabina: Don't you think there's something male in every woman? And something female in every man?
Or should be?
Jung: Explain this analogy you make between the sex instinct and the death instinct.
Sabina: Professional Freud claims that the sextual drive arises from a simple urge towards pleasure. If he is right, the question is why is this urge so often successfully repressed?
Jung: You used to have a theory involving the impulse towards destruction and self-destruction, losing oneself.
Sabina: Well, suppose we think of sexuality as fusion losing oneself, as you say, but losing oneself in the other, in other words, destroying one's own individuality. Wouldn't the ego, in self-defense, automatically resist that impulse?
Jung: You mean for sefish not for social reasons?
Sabina: Yes. I'm saying that perhaps true sexuality demands the destruction of the ego.
Freud: Do you really think the secual drive is a demonic and destructive force?
Sanina: Yes, at the same time as being a creative force, in the sense, that it can produce out of the destruction of two individualities a new being. But the individual must always overcome resistance becuase of the self-annihilating nature of the sexual act.
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