The most impressive is the singing

Jean 2022-03-25 09:01:11

Literary films always make you have a lot of thoughts after watching but don't know where to start. The spring of the cattle herding class is also, education, family affection, teacher-student affection, there are too many things pouring into your mind. But the most touching thing here is the singing.
When the untidy children's voices in the classroom sounded for the first time, when the little boy opened his mouth for the first time, when the neat singing began to float, when the final chorus, when the boy finally led the singing, there were still singing accompanied by paper planes flying in the sky. when. It touches the heart more than anything, and cleanses the soul more than anything. It's as if I can't help but sing along with the sheet music. It's me. People can't resist the usual singing, let alone the children's voice that has the power to penetrate the heart.
By the way, I really like that little angel.

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The Chorus quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    [the students are writing an examination]

    Pépinot enfant: Leclerc!

    Leclerc: What?

    Pépinot enfant: Are we still friends?

    Leclerc: Sure, why?

    Pépinot enfant: How much is 5 plus 3?

    Leclerc: 53.

    Pépinot enfant: You sure?

    Leclerc: Yeah.

    Pépinot enfant: [excitedly] Thanks.

  • Clément Mathieu: Never say never. Something's always worth trying.