I do not like

Keely 2022-03-29 09:01:07

Crappy love movie. My personal aesthetic is that sci-fi movies don't necessarily have to describe grand scenes, but at least they can be small and big. If you just want to tell a rough love story, many other backgrounds can also provide the soil needed for this conflict, such as the strict European Middle Ages, the bottom society of India, and the Middle East today. The meaning of the sci-fi background setting is to tell the audience that the protagonist suffers from SOS disease and is divided into minority groups by society, and that's it. The main point is to talk about the vulgar love of the protagonist, but it is not good enough. They weren't taken away by the authorities like the cotton-clad man and woman in the title sequence just because they were the protagonists, I didn't see any protest or anything like that. Alas, maybe my standards for sci-fi and romance movies have been raised.

What is commendable is the director's use of light and shadow.

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Extended Reading

Equals quotes

  • Nia: Dominic, FYI, the article is finished.

    Dominic: You gave it to me already, I'm working on it right now.

    Nia: No, the one after this, on the extraction of superfluids from neutron stars. No pressure.

  • Jonas: Just calm down. You need to stay calm or they'll give you the cure.