March 6, 2017 Blake's Bookstore Season 1 Review

Kole 2022-03-25 09:01:11

March 6, 2017 Black Bookstore Season 1 After
watching Black Bookstore is the British drama I watched last semester hahaha. I watched a lot of British dramas last semester. They were all accompanied by British dramas. But it's mostly political dramas. For example, yes minister, yes prime minister. Politician's husband, state secrets, behind-the-scenes crisis, etc. Since September, I have seen the script recommended by the British drama on Zhihu and slowly read it. But to be honest, it felt like I was watching too fast, and then I didn't think about it. So many dramas I watched were forgotten.
Back here, Blake, the owner of Blake's bookstore, is really lucky. Judging from his style, he is usually sloppy, and the kitchen and bedroom are messy. Life feels a little out of control. If it wasn't for Manni helping him clean up all the time, I really don't know how his life would come about.
In terms of management, Blake is also not good at it, and he is humble to say that he is not good at it. I remember that there were several times when Manni managed properly and reformed several measures, and then Blake did not feel happy at all, but instead cursed Manni. Then have Manny go back to the previous design.
There was even one time when Manni was rushed to the opposite bookstore to work. I don't know what Mr. Black thought. Such a good Manni is not important, but he is very disgusted with him.
Manny and Fran are really Blake's best friends, whoever has something between them, the other two will help each other out. Usually it is Blake who is in trouble. The tempers of the two of them are also quite good. Blake's temper is so violent, he can actually bear it. It took so long. I really admire these two partners. But the interesting thing is that when Manny and Fran get along very sweetly, Blake is very jealous. The jealous Mr. Black is really cute and funny. Hahaha. Manny and Fran are also very tacit understanding, have ignored Blair. conceivably. Faced with this scene, Mr. Black will be in a mood to explode hahaha.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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