lose my life

Sammy 2022-12-22 05:19:10

It is said to be the inspiration for Twelve Monkeys, but the style is completely different. It was the first time I saw this kind of static-screen movie, except for the blink of an eye for nearly half an hour. It may be that the intermittent incoherence is more like a memory, or looking back and smiling, or looking at it, the loose hair in the wind and the fingers brushing the ends of the hair are beautiful but not real. Maybe it's a miss, maybe it's an empty dream, and it can't always be embraced. I like this kind of careful loss, and I like the sadness of fate that can't be escaped. It turned out that when I was young, I was in a trance for that person. When I got older, I didn't dare to forget it. I traveled through time to meet, just to witness and be witnessed at the end of the story, the end of my life.

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Extended Reading

La Jetée quotes

  • Narrator: Nothing distinguishes memories from ordinary moments. Only later do they become memorable by the scars they leave.

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: [English version] This is the story of a man marked by an image of his childhood. The violent scene which upset him, and whose meaning he was to grasp only years later, happened on the main pier at Orly, Paris Airport, sometime before the outbreak of World War Three.

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