Life is neither dashing nor arrogant

Raina 2022-03-26 09:01:09

Yuan Cangshan wrote two poems that are as powerful as a volcanic eruption: "Two feet on the road of the world, and one shoulder bears all the sorrows of the past and the present." When I first read it, I felt that my chest was full of clouds and anger, and I was ready to torture my life. Become a dog, not knowing that he has just been abused into a dog by life. Well, well, Chinese literature and art have never lacked self-indulgent rhetoric, either to worry about the world's worries or to be happy after the world's joys, or to stand in the middle and face the truth of life and the hardships of life. Therefore, one can ignore what is in front of him, and think about poetry and the distance in his heart, but his feet are still deeply immersed in the quagmire of life, unable to extricate himself. Life is neither dashing nor heroic, dashing with tears, heroic with blood. When can we stop "forcing new words to talk about sorrow" and sincerely say "the weather is cool and autumn is good"? When?

What this "Salesman" is saying is undoubtedly "the weather is cool and the autumn is beautiful". What is "cool weather and good autumn"? That is, in the face of life, in the face of life's helplessness, helplessness, powerlessness, it is impossible to do it, and it will fail no matter how you do it! It has nothing to do with truth or falsehood, right or wrong, good or evil, any road is a dead end. If so, where is the way out? The way out is "good". "Good" is recognition, acceptance, patience, silence, and joy; "good" is another word that Chinese people are powerless to say - love.

Some people say that this is a typical Iranian narrative, that it can only be born in Iran. is it? The essence of life has neither national nor racial form. The Yangtze River is limited to the north and the south. What is there to say about the north and the south in life? Local customs are nothing but crops that grow on the soil of life. Is there no such person in China as Imad? Does China have people like Babak? Is there no such person as Lala in China? Yes, but we can't see it!

We all set a standard for life, not to mention strictly following the standard, but also slightly fluctuating according to the standard. However, life will go off track, and even go against the expectations. The standard Imad sets for himself is to be a good person, a good husband, a good teacher, and a good actor. He can take risks and save people in the face of danger, he can be reasonable and reasonable, he can be conscientious and meticulous, he has all the virtues required by society, but he can also become "bad". The perpetrator also set the standard for himself as a good person. He is a good husband in the eyes of his wife and a good father in the eyes of his daughter, but he will also become "bad", in his own words: "I can't hold back." "Unable to hold back" means failing to put human nature and desire in a cage, which is a fundamental problem.

What's the use of calling the police? The law cannot shut down human nature. What is the use of silence? Morality does not correlate with human nature. Imad slapped the perpetrator, but he couldn't hold back. If human nature is not shut down, life is completely derailed. No matter how closely guarded a person is, human nature can always find a space for galloping, so there is no way to guard against it, there is no way to go, and the end is failure.

The only hope in failure is our realization of the pain of failure. In other words, life is doomed to failure, but if we are numb to failure as failure, then we are a complete failure, and our only chance of success is knowing that we failed. Who can save a failed life? Who do we rely on to survive this doomed life? By love, by mercy. With love and compassion, one can struggle to pick the lamp from the apple tree, not the apples.

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Extended Reading

The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.