The best fake documentary "zelig"

Buford 2022-10-10 20:58:50

The story begins with an interview with a group of middle-aged Americans who say that the United States in the 1930s was experiencing unprecedented prosperity, and people called this drunken, morally laissez-faire, alcohol-cheap America the "Jazz Age". ".
A bizarre thing happened in America at that time. At an upper-class celebrity party with Fitzgerald, a quirky little man with a Boston high-society accent communicated calmly with the aristocracy and spoke to the Republic. The president is applauded. And Fitzgerald saw the same person speaking vulgar language and having a good time with the kitchen helper as a Democrat an hour later, which was Zelig's first appearance. And a year later at a Yankees game, an impostor named Lou Zelig was kicked out of the Yankees camp, the same year that the little man had infiltrated a speakeasy party as a white aristocrat. On the same day, the bartender of the day saw the white aristocrat turned into a black trumpet player and played on the stage. A few months later in New York City, a disappearance case attracted the attention of the police. In the rental house of the missing person, two photos of the same person were found far apart. Even more bizarrely, the police found an odd man with an oriental face in Chinatown, and this man was Zelig. The police wanted to take off his disguise and forcibly sent him to the "Manhattan Hospital". In the ambulance, Zelig even shouted abusive words on the ambulance in Chinese. Twenty minutes later, when he got out of the car, he turned from an oriental appearance to a white man, and he tricked a female doctor named Eudora Fletcher into thinking that Zelig was also a doctor. , his professional demeanor made the hospital curious, Fletcher decided to do an in-depth study of this new type of case, and through the analysis of a recording of a conversation with Zelig, the doctor believed that what he said was meaningless, and those pretended to be his He is usually assembled from hearsay or fragmented reading, but his fluent expression can convince many people who don't understand.
Things started to get complicated and bizarre. When Zelig was with the doctor, he became a doctor himself. Around the French, Zelig spoke clear French, and when he was with Yue Yunpeng (Chinese), he gave birth to Zhang Yu (Oriental). person) face. The media published this strange event, the shape-shifter caused a sensation in New York, and doctors had different opinions on Zelig's condition. One doctor even believed that Zelig had a brain tumor in his brain and believed that Zelig could die at any time. . Ironically, the doctor himself died of a brain tumor two weeks later, while Zelig was unharmed.
Hospitals do not use silly methods to treat patients. People across the country love to learn about Zelig's variations, and follow the transformation as a trend. Fletcher ignored these ridiculous remarks. She began to discover the secret of Zelig's transformation through hypnosis. After analysis by Fletcher, she believed that Zelig, who was insecure, used transformation methods to integrate into the environment to protect I, myself, think the reason for Zelig's transformation may be psychological. But the council ignored her thoughts, and the public didn't buy Zelig's conclusion that it was just "something wrong with his brain." In order to make the newspapers sell well, the newspapers at this time deliberately wrote fancy about Zelig's transformation event, thus making Zelig a phenomenal figure. His jokes spread all over the world (Woody Allen was the first to write a joke), and there was even a chameleon dance (dance) competition, and Zelig was constantly consumed and played with by the public.
As the situation intensified, organizations against Zelig began to appear in society, and they began to think that he was a capitalist, and religious groups beginning with F were a serious target for burning at the stake. In this mudslide, Fletcher is the only way to understand the depths of Zelig's heart. During his childhood, Zelig was often bullied by anti-Semitic children. Instead of supporting him, his parents often He locked him in a small dark room to punish him. The strange thing is that although his brother was mentally ill and his sister became a thief and an alcoholic, Zelig was not affected, adapting to life and coping with it easily. Fletcher found out that it all started when he was at a party with his classmates. Because he was embarrassed to admit in front of his friends that he had not read a book called Moby Dick, he began to pretend. From then on, he started Try to integrate into the crowd, so that your character is constantly changing for others.
As treatment began to progress, Zelig's sister suddenly took him out of the hospital and claimed with her lover that he could watch over him. Fletcher's strong resistance was ineffective. His sister used Zelig's transformation as a selling point. Zelig made a lot of money, and even produced a movie, and various "chameleon" peripherals are popular in the market. Although the non-stop performances make Zelig's sister and lover both earning and happy, Zelig's own existence has become non-existent, and his personality has been lost in the clutter and involuntary life. Soon after, an accident happened. In a riot caused by jealousy, sister Zelig's lover accidentally killed her sister. The lover then swallowed a gun and committed suicide, and Zelig disappeared again in the riot. At first the news shocked the world, but it wasn't long before the public's attention shifted to the new excitement, and Zelig was forgotten in the new excitement.
A few years later, a huge religious ceremony was being held in St. Peter's Square. When the Pope was blessing him, a little man mixed in with the Pope and caused a riot. There was no doubt that it was Zelig. After the incident, he was sent back to his country and was admitted to the Manhattan Hospital, and the community had lost interest in Zelig. Dr. Letcher also obtained the right to treat Zelig, and she brought Zelig back to the country. at home with a special psychotherapeutic method called White House Therapy. Treatment was initially thwarted by Zelig's belief that he was a psychoanalyst, and he was unable to confess to Fletcher. For several weeks, the treatment went nowhere. And at a nightclub, Dr. Fletcher comes up with a brilliant idea that becomes a turning point in the story. Fletcher began to present himself as a patient in front of Zelig, admitting that he kept pretending to please others, admitting that he was not a doctor, and hoping that Zelig could help him. Obviously, Fletcher's performance was very effective. Zelig felt uncomfortable after listening to it, and gradually took off his disguise, showing his fragile side, saying "I'" Zelig was seen in the Nazi news. The little man reappeared among a group of Nazis. Fletcher took the ten-day steamer train to Berlin, hoping to find Zelig by chance. She was in a huge Hitler speech, and suddenly, on the right back of Hitler, he spotted Zelig, and Zelig seemed to have seen her, and gradually woke up and waved to Fletcher. Hitler's speech was sabotaged. Krzelig and Fletcher miraculously escaped from the sight of Hitler's SS. Fleeing to the airport, Zelig miraculously turned into a seasoned pilot, and fought a fierce competition with the army. Finally, he used his transforming ability to take Fletcher to a near escape and flew back to the United States upside down.
The American people greeted them warmly, and then, like the end of all fairy tales, lived a full and happy life. But...

"Zelig" is a pseudo-documentary filmed in a very documentary style. The absurdity of shapeshifters is presented in a realistic space, while the depth is hidden in the absurdity. Zelig can become whoever he is with (Indian, black, big fat), it may seem comical, but a man who desires to be liked by everyone and caters to any opinion around him can easily lose himself Personality, towards endless loneliness. Although the end of the film is a standard Hollywood heroic ending, I made such an assumption, whether Zelig never healed, and even Zelig formed his own personality in the middle of the film to cater to Fletcher. The transformation made, and finally becoming a hero is the same. Zelig has been disguising from beginning to end, but the degree of disguise has risen from changes in appearance and words to changes in behavior and even the depth of personality. The transformation itself has not changed.
I love Woody Allen, who, as a young creator at the time, saw comedy only as a stepping stone to drama, while his desire was to pursue his ambition to write gripping films around more serious themes. "Zeliger" is my favorite movie. After watching the whole film, I felt like I fell into that era. I watched myself behind the screen and found myself in front of the screen. , and eventually disappeared into the huge, smelly silt.

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Extended Reading

Zelig quotes

  • Leonard Zelig: [in a hypnotic trance] My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.

  • Leonard Zelig: I'm 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life... But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.